


Cosplay is a type of costume role play. It is heavily associated with fantasy or science fiction roles, such as anime and comic books. Cosplay is commonly seen at conventions, such as Comicon or Metrocon.

128 Questions

What is the difference between cosplay and LARP?

A costume could be anything! It really could just be a random wig and a cheap out fit. But a cosplay is a very good quality costume, mainly designed for Anime and Manga or featured gaming characters like Mario and Luigi and Prinsess peach.

Although for very popular characters it could be either a costume or a cosplay.

It really depends on it's quality.

Is there a cosplay shop in London?

Your best bet will always be to go online. You can find lots of different items and people who can custom make almost anything you could ever want. Most brick and mortar stores have a very limited selection of very low quality costumes.

Who could you cosplay as?

You should cosplay your favourite character from a game or anime or anything in general.

Is there a COSplay store in dallas Texas?

Bruna Costumes has a shop in New Mexico of cosplay and Japanese animation CD's and comic and all kinds of stuff


Can you cosplay on Halloween?

Yes you may if you would like to. Its up to you. ^-^

Why do you like cosplay?

Cosplay, or "costume play", is considered to be fun. You can dress up in costume as your favorite cartoon character or video game character, and pretend to be that character.

How old do you have to be to cosplay?

there are groups for all ages ive seen little kids to people in their 60 - 70 probably older at cosplay events lol

Where can you buy a furry cosplay costume online?

One can purchase fursuits for children at any kids' clothing stores where they sell cute little costumes for kids. Or they can also purchase from Halloween stores which sell costumes for the Halloween day.

What is a good cosplay for a 12 year old female?

I would say Vanille from Final Fantasy 13, or Aeris or Tifa. The Tifa costume I would recommend to be the Advent Children costume because the FF7 one is a little showy. (Personally I would like to be Tifa)

Who is the Cosplay Goddess?

Her name is Alodia. see links below.

Where can you buy cheap gothic Lolita or anime cosplay dresses in England or online?

There are many Japanese Lolita brands that sell Gothic Lolita clothing, but are often priced at a high rate because the market for it is small (clothing size range is limited) and the designers themselves must be compensated for their time, designs, and use of materials.

You could also find someone who works as a seamstress who can create a custom dress in your clothing sizes, by commissioning them online or in real life.

How do you make a cosplay music video?

1. get your desired clips from videos.

2. open your Windows Movie maker, import the video/clips, then organize it. (it has alot of explaining so if you explore it well, you'll be fine)

Where to buy cheap cosplay costumes?

== == == == == == == == Google Directory Cosplay

Anime Costume resources:

When did cosplay start?

Cosplay is costume.

In Manga/Anime festivals, people cosplay as their favourite manga/anime character.

They make their own costume or they buy one, already made.

People usually wear their favourite character's outfit or a charascter they know.

Cosplays are awsome.

Google Directory Cosplay

Anime Costume resources:

Is there a cosplay cafe in Columbus Ohio?

i know of one cosplay/maid cafe in the US, in southern California it's called Royal T and it is also connected to a shop and art gallery.

How do you make a jaden yuki cosplay?

where a tie , white shirt, black glasses, skirt or black pants ,a little makeup could do it . ask and answer questions .

What male anime character is good to cosplay as?

Lord Wolfram Von Bielefeld from Kyo Kara Maoh!

Yuuri Shibuya from Kyo Kara Maoh!

Gon Freecs from Hunter X Hunter!

Leorio from Hunter X Hunter!

Gaara from Naruto Shippuden!

Axel or Demyx from kingdom hearts 2 is an amazing cosplay character I think. Also there's Kiba from wolf's rain. And...I dunno what else.

and also there is link from the ligend of zelda

cloud form ff7

sephirtoth ^

sora or riku from kingdom hearts and almost al there weapon props can be found at amazon/ebay

How do you enter cosplay contests?

That depends on the contest. Most often there will be guidelines. Usually you have to sew the entire cosplay yourself. But you usually find a sign-up room or link (usually posted on the contest's website or the location it's held should have the answers) and just sign up! :)

Where can you get a rosary for a Mello cosplay?

You don't really need a rosary; I go without one because rosaries that aren't plastic or black or white are very hard to come by. A red rosary would be pretty hard to come by. I suggest checking local churches or religious stores. Again, I cosplay as Mello, at people /will/ recognize without the rosary as long as you have the telltale blonde hair, pants, vest, and chocolate bar.

Good luck!

Who could you cosplay as in an Anime Convention if you were African American and a girl?

Oh, hard and interasting questions. There aren't many animes with african-american girls, but I do know some characters that you could cosplay as. Here are some choices (In order of best, in my opinion.):

1) Shihouin Yoruichi- from bleach. (This character I would definatly recommend. I love her as a character, and if I were you, I'd pick her.)

2) Momo Adachi- from Peach girl. (this character isn't a natural african-american, but she does have a dark tan that you could cosplay as.)

3) Halibel- also from Bleach (Great choice, but minor things may be her blond hair and very 'showy' clothes.)

4) Lala Gonzalez- from School Rumble (She strong, and spanish :D.)

5) Noa- from Ultra Cute (not from a popular manga, and it isn't an anime, but its a good choice.)

Sorry, this is all I can think of, but I'd definatly pick (Shihouin) Yoruichi from Bleach!

Where can you buy a princess nine cosplay?

Many cosplay sites take "commissions" which means they will make you anything you want. Your costume will look amazing, but it won't be cheap!

you can try online cospay store