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Q: How much is a full time employee entitled to in bereavement pay for the death of his Aunt?
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How many days off if your aunt dies?

It depends if your company allows you bereavement leave. I would venture to calculate a maximum of 3 days mainly if she lived across the United States. My best answer for total contiguous days off for any death in family is THREE.

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His Uncle and Aunt

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Who is aunt Nelly to Vladimir tod?

Aunt Nelly is a minor character in the "Chronicles of Vladimir Tod" series by Heather Brewer. She is Vladimir's human aunt who takes care of him after his parents' death. Aunt Nelly is a supportive and caring figure in Vladimir's life.

How to write a personal bereavement card?

The key to writing a personal bereavement card is to write from the heart and say what you feel comfortable with. You could include one or two memories about the deceased person in your card but remember to make it natural.

What was most shocking to Annemarie about the death of Great-aunt Birte?

Annemarie was shocked that they had kept the death of Great-aunt Birte a secret from her. She was also surprised by her mother's emotional reaction to the news and the realization of the dangers faced by their Jewish friends.

Who is Aunt Rhody?

She's the one you tell about the death of the old grey goose, but no one knows why.

Why was Annemarie confused when uncle Henrik said Great aunt Bertie had died?

Annemarie was confused because Great Aunt Bertie was actually alive; Uncle Henrik was using her death as a cover story to help Jewish refugees escape to safety in Sweden.

If aunt birte is made up who are all the mourners?

The mourners are fictional characters from the lyrics of a song by the band Pearl Jam called "Aunt Bierle." The song tells a story about the family members who are mourning the death of Aunt Bierle, who is also a fictional character.

What is St Alphonsa's foster mother's name?

St. Alphonsa was raised by her maternal aunt, Maria, after the death of her mother.

Where were Atticus and cal going?

Atticus and Cal were going to Finch's Landing to tell Aunt Alexandra about Tom's death.