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The value of an unabridged Webster's Second Edition dictionary can vary depending on its condition and rarity. Generally, you can find one in good condition for around $50 to $100, but rare or collector's editions may fetch higher prices. It's recommended to research recent sales of similar dictionaries to get a more precise estimate.

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Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged Second Edition latest Copyright1958, contains humarol a. [ Fr., from L.] pertaining to or proceeding to from from the humors of the body; as, a humoral fever.

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It is X as of the Websters Dictionary. It only has 25. But in Second is Q.

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The value of a 1935 Webster's New International Second Edition Dictionary can vary depending on its condition and rarity. Generally, these dictionaries can range in value from $20 to $100 or more for a well-preserved copy. It's best to have it appraised by a professional to determine its precise market value.

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A female eagle can be called a hen-eagle or an eagless.

How many words in an English dictionary?

The Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use, and 47,156 obsolete words.

What is a 1956 Webster's dictionary worth?

The value of a 1956 Webster's dictionary can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and demand from collectors. In general, a 1956 Webster's dictionary in good condition can be worth between $10 to $50. For a more accurate estimate, it's recommended to consult with a rare book dealer or appraiser.

How is the term voracious properly defined?

The term voracious has multiple definitions, the most commonly used is exceedingly hungry. The second of which is overly anxious or zealous. Both are proper definitions from the websters online dictionary.

How many words are in the dictionary?

The Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionarycontains full entries for1671,47 words in current use

What does Hard mean in the town Deptford Hard?

Hard, noun. 4. A ford across a river or a causeway over a swamp. [British Dialect] From Websters New Twentieth Century Dictionary, Uanbridged, Second Addition