

Reference Books

This category is for questions and answers about reference books. This includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and almanacs.

981 Questions

How accurate is the Farmer's Almanac?

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The Farmer's Almanac combines historical weather data with a secret forecasting formula, but its accuracy is debated. Some people find it helpful for long-range planning, while others question its reliability due to the complexity of weather prediction. It's best to use multiple sources for weather information to make informed decisions.

Could somebody suggest some good books on biochemistry to read to put on personal statement?

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Sure, here are some recommendations: "Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry" by David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox, "Biochemistry" by Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, and Lubert Stryer, and "Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life" by Trudy McKee and James R. McKee. These textbooks are commonly used in university biochemistry courses and provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject.

Which scientist used his knowledge of astronomy to publish a popular almanac?

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Benjamin Franklin used his knowledge of astronomy to publish "Poor Richard's Almanac," a widely popular publication that contained weather forecasts, household tips, and witty sayings. Franklin's almanac became one of the most widely read publications in the American colonies during the 18th century.

Uses of atlas?

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An atlas is a collection of maps usually focusing on geographic and political features of regions in the world. It is used for reference, navigation, education, and research purposes. Atlases can provide detailed information about countries, cities, landscapes, and other geographical features.

How many pages are there in an encyclopedia?

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The number of pages in an encyclopedia can vary depending on the edition, size, and content. A typical encyclopedia can range from a few hundred to several thousand pages.

Would you tell me short stories based on a drowning man will clutch at a straw?

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In the midst of a stormy sea, a drowning man spots a lone straw floating nearby. Desperate for any hope of survival, he reaches out and clutches it tightly, holding on with all his might until he is eventually rescued. The straw, though fragile, symbolizes his unyielding will to survive in the face of overwhelming odds.

Who tries to cheer up romeo before the party?

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Mercutio tries to cheer up Romeo before the party by making jokes and encouraging him to forget about his unrequited love for Rosaline. He proposes that they go to the party together and have a good time.

Why has Macbeth ordered banners to be hang out?

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Macbeth has ordered banners to be hung out to celebrate his victory in battle and to show his loyalty and support for King Duncan. It is also a way for him to assert his power and authority as the new Thane of Cawdor.

Summary of In the court by Anton chekhov?

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"In the Court" by Anton Chekhov is a story about a man named Khapunov who is on trial for assaulting his wife. As the court proceedings unfold, it becomes evident that the couple's troubled relationship is influenced by societal expectations and personal struggles. The story explores themes of gender roles, societal norms, and the complexities of domestic life.

Are Funk and Wagnalls dictionaries still published?

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As of 2021, Funk and Wagnalls dictionaries are no longer being published in print form. However, digital versions and online resources may still be available for access.

How do you write a diamante poem on The Cay?

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To write a diamante poem on The Cay, you can start by brainstorming words and phrases related to the book. Begin with a three-line stanza describing the two contrasting subjects of The Cay (such as Phillip and Timothy), then use a series of three-line stanzas to highlight the differences between them, ultimately creating a diamond shape with a clear contrast in the middle. Remember to use nouns, adjectives, and gerunds to create a vivid image in each line.

What is a round person?

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In literature, a round character is a complex and fully developed individual with multiple layers and dimensions to their personality. They are typically dynamic and can change or evolve throughout the course of a story.

How does tom Robinson explain what happened inside the house that day to kill a mockingbird?

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Tom Robinson explains that he was asked to help Mayella Ewell with chores inside the house. When he entered, Mayella unexpectedly tried to kiss him. He pushed her away and fled, fearing the consequences due to the racial prejudices of the time.

What are the examples of proverbs in the six categories?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure! Here are some examples from the six categories:

  1. Time: "Time heals all wounds."
  2. Knowledge: "Knowledge is power."
  3. Friendship: "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
  4. Success: "Success comes to those who work hard."
  5. Love: "Love is blind."
  6. Adversity: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

What did keats contribute to English poetry?

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His contributions were a lot of poetry. One of his most famous was called "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood." Some of his most famous lines (from that poem) are:

Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star,Hath had elsewhere its setting,And cometh from afar:

If you want to see more specifics, please visit the related link to his major works.

A Blessing by James Wright analysis?

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"A Blessing" by James Wright is a poem that celebrates the beauty of nature and human connection. The speaker's encounter with two ponies in a pasture evokes a sense of wonder and joy. The poem emphasizes the importance of moments of simplicity and connection in our busy lives.

What is the meaning of the poem paying call by Thomas Hardy?

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"During Wind and Rain" by Thomas Hardy explores the themes of the passage of time, mortality, and the impermanence of life. The poem reflects on the cycle of life and death, highlighting how nature continues on despite human existence. Hardy uses the imagery of a family gathering to emphasize the contrast between the fleeting nature of human life and the enduring presence of nature.

What is the name of one encyclopedia and year of publication?

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One example of an encyclopedia is "Encyclopædia Britannica", first published in 1768.

Who is the publisher of world culture encyclopedia?

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The publisher of the World Culture Encyclopedia is Gale Group. They are a leading global provider of digital and print-based research resources for academic, library, government, and professional markets.

Who are the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica?

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The editors of Encyclopedia Britannica are a team of experts and scholars in various fields, ensuring accuracy and comprehensiveness in the content. The editorial board oversees the review process and ensures that the articles maintain high standards of quality and reliability.

What word of the dictionary on page 100?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm unable to provide a specific word from a page in a dictionary as I don't have the ability to look up specific pages. If you have a particular word or meaning in mind, feel free to ask and I can provide information on that.

What is the Value of Universal Standard Encyclopedia 1954?

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The value of a Universal Standard Encyclopedia from 1954 can vary depending on its condition, completeness, and demand among collectors. Generally, these encyclopedias can be found for around $20 to $50 in good condition. It's recommended to check online marketplaces or antique bookstores for more specific pricing.

How many words in a dictionary are there?

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there are 404,567,898,887,444,000word in a dictionary

How the person persuaded to change his mind about encyclopedia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The person was persuaded to change his mind about encyclopedias by highlighting the benefits of having reliable and comprehensive information at their fingertips, the convenience of quick access to information, and the ability to gain knowledge on a wide range of topics from a trusted source. Additionally, emphasizing the ease of updates and the environmental impact of reducing paper waste may have also influenced the person to reconsider their view.