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Q: How much is red dead redemption undead nightmare?
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How much does red dead redemption undead nightmare cost in the US?

$30 in walmart

How much for red dead redemption undead nightmare?

Gamestop has the Undead Nightmare Collection for $29.99 with a 11/23/10 release date Or i got it in Chester for £15 new

How much is the Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare Collection for Xbox 360?

Gamestop has it for $29.99 with a 11/23/10 release

How much does Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare Down loadable Content cost?

Ten bukz :D (10.00$) or around that.

What is the red dead redemption undead nightmare dowloadable content code?

They are all unique, just buy the add on it's much easier.

How much is undead nightmare for red dead redemtion?

as of 16th September 2012, £7.99 in the United Kingdom

How much does a Red dead redemption for ps3 costs?

It costs 20 dollars but, you can buy the game of the year edition of Red Dead Redemption for 50 dollars that includes undead nightmares and Red Dead Redemption

Should you buy rdr or rdr undead nightmare?

buy RDR, undead nightmare is good but the main game is much better

How much is undead nightmare on the playstation store?


How much would undead nightmare sell for?

it will sell for 19.99

Where do you find the chupacabra in red dead redemption undead nightmare?

I think it is in the same place as the first red dead redemption. read my other answer under the question: where is the chupacabra in red dead redemption. that will tell youIt can be found in the eastern area of Mexico.

Are zombies dead or undead?

They are dead and fake. they are not real but when portrayed in the movie buisness they are considered pretty much undead.