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Q: How much is the laser for the scar of cleft lip surgery?
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Plastic Surgery Pricing varies depending on geographic location and the expertise of the physician. Moreover, the prices for laser scar removal depends on the type and location of the scar as well as the type of laser used. The price tends to range between $1000 to $5000. If you are able to match the scar with the appropriate laser, laser scar removal can be very effective. It is important to choose an experienced surgeon who can offer different procedures (both laser and nonlaser) depending on the case.

What happened to joaquin phoenix lip?

"The scar between Joaquin Phoenix's lip and nose is obvious. It practically had second billing in Gladiator. It has long been thought that Joaquin was born with a cleft lip and the scar is the result of corrective surgery. This is not so. Rather, Joaquin was born with the scar. The scar developed while Joaquin was in his mother's stomach. It is known as a microform cleft, a mild form of a cleft lip. A "microform cleft can appear as small as a little dent in the red part of the lip or look like a scar from the lip up to the nostril," as in Joaquin's case."

What is the process for a cleft lip surgery?

Cleft lip surgery is generally done when the child is between 6 and 12 weeks old. The surgeon will trim the tissues and sew the the lip together while they are under general anesthesia. Very small stitches are used to create as small of a scar as possible.

How did Hugh o'brian get the scar on his lip?

cleft lip

How many people have undergone scar revision surgery recently?

in 2001 the number of procedures, by type, were as follows: 227,911 for scar revision; 51,065 for dermabrasion; 175,927 for laser resurfacing; and 1,035,769 for microdermabrasion.

Laser Treatment to Reduce Scars?

Laser Treatment to Reduce ScarsUnsightly scars can affect anyone's self- esteem. Scars are caused by trauma, burns, surgery, animal bites and much more. In the past, few treatments were available to reduce scars. Dermatologists surgically repaired facial scars but few others.Today laser treatments reduce scars to the point of near invisibility. Scars anywhere on the body are treatable. The doctor will first determine the type of scar(s), and explain the procedures and different lasers used in reducing the scar(s).This video explains some of the techniques used to reduce scars. Lasers are used to smooth and blend the scar tissue with the rest of the skin. Laser treatment is available for all patients regardless of ethnicity. Different lasers are used on skins with different pigments.Any type of scar is treatable by laser. Since scar tissue texture is different from that of the surrounding skin, one type of laser is used to reduce the thickness. A different type of laser helps reduce the number of blood vessels in the scar, which often makes the scar red. A third laser blends the pigment of the scar into the surrounding area.While the scar is not removed, the effect of laser treatments is dramatic. Scars are so well reduced and blended with the surrounding skin that they become almost invisible. Speak to a dermatologist about laser treatment for scar reduction before deciding on the procedure. Some insurance companies may or may not cover the procedure.

How much Laser Acne Scar Removal Treatment?

The cost starts at about $250 and goes up from there.

How does acne scar laser affect the skin?

The acne scar laser affects the skin in order for it to rejuvenate and obtain granulation tissue. This will enable the scar areas to repair fully and digress.

You had knee replacement surgery and doctor says you have scar tissue How soon does scar tissue form after a surgery?

With-in a few days

Can scar tissue be caused by negligent surgery?

Scar tissue can form for a number of reasons, not healing properly, infection, improper surgery

Can cleft lip scars be disguised?

I'm not sure, but if you are uncomfortable about your scar, you can always play up your eyes by wearing a nice shadow and lots (but not too much) of mascara. When you play up your eyes, people will notice that first instead of your scar.