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Q: How much is your Budweiser rossignol snow board?
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Who is a French manufacturer of alpine snow board and nordic equipment?

Rossignol is a French company making skiing and nordic equipment. Link goes to the company's website. The "rossignol" (common masculine noun) is the bird called nightingale in English.

What is the most sold beer?

1 Snow 2 Budweiser Light 3 Budweiser

How much does fake snow cost?

depends how much you want but can damage your board

How do you get a snow board in pokepark?

You can use it in the snow...anywhere that has snow hope it helped

What is a snow board made out of?


How is friction used snowboarding?

There is friction between the board an the snow, which slows the board.

What is the price range for Original Sin snowboards?

I have a Original sin snow board in perfect condition. I want to know what it is worth and how much i can sell it for.

What are the features of the Burton supermodel?

The Burton Supermodel is a type of snow board. The features of this snow board include twin flex, length of 155cm, a tapered shape and Pro45 sidewalls.

Why do snowboarders wax their board?

to reduce friction between your board and the snow, and to protect the base of your snowboard[S].

What is something that will not ruin in rain sleet or snow?

card board

How does balance help you with snow boarding?

It helps you stay on the board :)

What force between a snow board and the snow makes it slow down?

It is the friction between the snowboard and the snow that makes it slow down.