

How much land area does Canada and Russia have?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Russia has alot more Russia has alot more Russia has alot more Russia has alot more Russia has alot more

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Q: How much land area does Canada and Russia have?
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How much area does Russia have?

Russia has 5 times the area of Canada do the math Canada has the area of 9,961 287 kilometers

How much smaller is the area of Canada than that of Russia?

Canada is about 42% smaller than Russia.

How much is the land surface area of Canada?

Canada has 2,247,054,500 acres of land.

Which has greater land area the US or Canada?

Canada is larger in terms of land mass, but the U.S. has a much larger population. The U.S. population in 2009 was 305 or 307 million (depending on which website you use), while Canada's was around 34 million.

Which is bigger Canada or Russia?

In terms of area, Canada is bigger. However, China's population is much larger than that of Canada.

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Eastern is much bigger.

Would Australia fit inside Canada?

Australia has a land area of 7,692,024 km2 Canada has a land area of 9,984,670 km2 Thus as you can see Australia would fit comfortably into Canada. As a point of interest Australia is the 6th largest country on Earth while Canada is the 2nd largest.

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Russia is 2,887,000 square miles larger than China.

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Australia covers 72 times as much area as Tennessee. Tennessee has 41,217 square miles of land area and Australia has 2,969,907 square miles. Incidentally, the entire USA covers 3,717,813 square miles, which is very similar in size to the two next largest countries - China (3,722,029*) and Canada (3,855,100). Russia covers the greatest land area, at 6,601,668 square miles. It would take more than 160 Tennessees to equal the land area of Russia.

How does the population of Canada compare to that of other countries?

The Canada population is much smaller compared to its land area.

Which is bigger Canada or India?

Canada is bigger in terms of its land mass (area), but India is much larger in terms of population.

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The answer Is true