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Q: How much land did city states own in Mesopotamia in 3000bc.?
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Was mesopotamia a city state?

No it was not. It was a large part of land that housed many different city-states. :)

Why did City states fight in Mesopotamia?

Land meant grain which could be sold for money.

Why did City-states in Mesopotamia fight over farmland?

Land meant grain which could be sold for money.

What ways were Greek city states described above similar to the states of ancient Mesopotamia?

i think that it is because they both had unflat land that unallowed them to grow crops

What is the political units of city and surrounding land in Mesopotamia?


In what ways were the greek city states described similar to the cities of ancient Mesopotamia?

i think that it is because they both had unflat land that unallowed them to grow crops

Over what did city states go to war with each other in ancient Mesopotamia?

to gain land for farming, and proberally over resources, such as water, food, ext.

Where was the land of Ur?

Ur was located in Mesopotamia - modern day Iraq .

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Is there such of a state called Mesopotamia?

It is not a state (nation) but a geographic region. The word Mesopotamia comes from the Greek meaning 'between the rivers'. It refers to the region between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers.

Why did city states form in Mesopotamia and Greece but not India and china?

City-states formed in Mesopotamia and Greece due to factors such as geography, fertile land, and trade opportunities. The presence of rivers like the Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia and the rugged terrain of Greece made it easier for communities to settle in distinct areas and develop independently. In contrast, India and China had vast landmasses and geographical features that promoted the development of larger, centralized states rather than city-states. Additionally, cultural and political factors unique to India and China also influenced their historical trajectories.

Why did Sumerian city-states often go to war with one another?

weak empire Mesopotamia had a weak empireReality:The fact that city-states are mentioned makes it plain that there was no empire - city-states are what they say - independent states based on a city, and so could not be an 'empire' which connotes centralised rule. And it was this independent status which led them to fighting between themselves. Mesopotamian civilisation was dependent on land and water. Disputed over them drove wars of possession.