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Q: How much land does landfills take up?
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What happens at a land fill?

Not too many companies want you to know what goes on at their landfills because they usually get up to very un-environmentally actions. But you are more likely to find out at a library or search 'American landfills' into google and you might get something . Happy Asking (:

How many glass bottles end up in landfills yearly?


Are landfills are located at the edge of towns so that they do not harm people or the environment?

Landfills are supposed to be located at the edges of a certain place so that there is a place for it to fill. Since landfills have some stench in it, it should be located far away from crowded areas. Landfills have to be at an area with a depression so that it will not pile up to become a garbage mountain.

Can landfills turn to farm land?

No. The soil layer over the land fill itself is too thin to be useful for growing crops on. Also, a lot of garbage will be churned up with tillage. Not to mention a lot of hazardous material that may be found in the landfill may seep up through the soil into the plants which can make for either low yields or some very sick people. Landfills shouldn't be turned into pasture either because of these same hazards: garbage being turned up and hazardous wastes. Landfills are better off being turned into golf courses, suburban areas or, in some areas, wildlife habitat. But never cropland. Over a period of about 10,000 years, the landfill will probably decompose and settle into something that should be usable as farmland. However, many of these processes are not well enough understood yet to guarantee that this will happen, largely due to some of the materials which have been placed in the landfills.

How much percent does argon take up in the atmosphere?

It takes up nearly 1%