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Q: How much land mass may Be left after global warming?
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Where do penguins live and why is it endangered?

south pole, global warming is melting the ice caps and reducing the land mass the penguins can live on

What will happen to the wildlife in Antarctica if the ice melts from global warming?

Answer Hi Wildlife in Antarctica will eventually become extinct if all the ice melts from global warming, as the temperatures would be too high for them to handle and there would be no land mass cold enough for them to exist on. Unless they manage to evolve in time (which is not likely), this would be the result. bye

How are you damging the world?

How am I damageing the world?! If by I you mean people generaly, then global warming, mass population polution, there are lots of them.

Equivalent weight of carbon dioxide?

The molar mass of carbon dioxide is 44,01. For global warming see the link below.

What are some of the causes of background and mass extinctions?

Ice ages, disappearance of prey, floods, and global warming. I hope this helps.

Discuss the potential disastrous phenomena of global warming and ozone layer depletion?

They both are disastrous. They could cause mass extinction.

Why does El Nino causes short term global warming?

It's about conventional current of air mass. Namely the Hadley cell.

Is it too late to slow down or stop global warming global warming?

It's never too late to stop mass destruction. Do what you can to help the environment by recycling, using water and cars less, etc. The clouds in the air full of greenhouse gases can grow and grow, but if we put a stop to this, maybe all of the destruction due to Global Warming may not actually occur.

What is the rise of an air mass caused by warming over land or sea that often causes the formation of clouds?


What kind of enviromental changes causes mass extinction?

When human contributes into global warming some animals like polar bears and those who cannot bear heat may cause mass extinction

What country has the least CO2?

countries like Australia and new zealand are effected least because they have a small area of land. this is because the rays reflect off the water but don't reflect off the land. big masses of land like the usa and Canada (joined as 1 big mass) have more global warming because they arnt really surrounded by water. hope that helps and you kinda get it

How cold is the polars?

The North Pole was recorded to be around -1 degrees Celsius, and the South pole at -51 degrees Celsius. With Global Warming, the temp. may have risen. The south pole is colder due to Antarctica being a land mass, and therefore, more susceptible to temperature change.