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Q: How much larger was the gross national product in 1914 that at the end of the civil war?
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Why had the American gross national product changed between the end of the civil war and 1914?

by making more profuis to other countries

What was the us like in the 1950s?

Importance of the Economy.By 1950 people generally recognized that the nation's economy-the financial performance of its businesses-affects every American personally. The security of our jobs and how much we earn doing them, the cost of the goods we buy, the price we pay to borrow money, and the interest we get by saving it are all directly related to the health of the economy. During the 1950s the American economy was the strongest in the world. Biggest in the World.A nation's prosperity is measured by its national income-the value of all the goods and services it produces, also called the gross national product (GNP). By that measure, as by many others, the United States was the unquestioned world leader after World War II. In 1950 the U.S. GNP was $284.6 billion, and by the end of the 1950s it had increased to $482.7 billion. Enotes

What was the second new deal-?

The impact of the early New Deal programs was mixed at best. While the gross national product did inch upward between 1933 and 1935, about ten million Americans remained out of work. Public support for Roosevelt remained strong, however. The 1934 congressional elections broke tradition and resulted in the Democrats actually increasing their numbers in the House and the Senate. The period after the midterm elections, often called the Second New Deal, had a stronger focus on social reform. It was also the time that the president's policies faced challenges from the left and the right, as well as from the Supreme Court.

What did the adena eat?

they mainly ate pumpkin, deer,plus they ate nasty things like cats and dog THATS GROSS

What is the famous Robert F Kennedy quote about the measure of GDP?

"The Gross National Product includes air pollution and advertising for cigarettes, and ambulance to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors, and jails for the people who break them. GNP includes the destruction of the redwoods and the death of Lake Superior. It grows with the production of napalm and missiles and nuclear warheads... And if GNP includes all this, there is much that it does not comprehend. It does not allow for the health of our families, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It is indifferent to the decency of our factories and the safety of our streets alike. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, or the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials... GNP measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country. It measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile; and it can tell us everything about America - except whether we are proud to be Americans." ---From

Related questions

How much larger was the Gross National Product in 1914 than in the end of civil war?

It was 8 times greater

Which is larger the National Debt or the Gross National Product?

The Gross National Product; The National Debt is reaching 10 trillion and the G.N.P. is over 11 trillion.

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What is the the gross national product?

GNP stands for Gross National Product

Why does Ireland not have a gross national product?

Ireland does have a gross national product.

What is the acronym for Gross National Product?

The acronym for Gross National Product is GNP.

What is the Gross national product Abbreviation?

GNP stands for Gross National Product

Are gross domestic product and net national product equal?

(gross national product or GNP) minus depreciation = net national product

How is the gross national product derived from the gross domestic product?

The gross national project is derived from the gross domestic product because various domestic products brought together is what is used to create the gross national project.

What is the Gross National Product of the Philippines in the year 2006?

grap of gross national product of the Philippines

What is gnp?

gross national product Gross National Product is the Value of All the Goods and Services Produced in a Country within a single year.

How much larger was the gross national products in 1914 than at the end of the civil war?

It was 8 times greater