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Q: How much light does a male Betta need?
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Why do female betta fish need a male betta fish to give birth?


Can a male betta fish reproduce by himself?

Answer No. Only Females. But you would need a male.

Can a male betta fish thrive in a bowl?

Male betta fish can be housed in both bowls and aquarium. In order to thrive though they need the proper lighting and filtration.

Do betta fish like sun?

Well, Yes and no. Betta do like LIGHT to be able to distinguish night and day, they also need the warmth, but you can use a heater. betta fish do need light, but it is not good to keep a betta in direct sunlight as it may increase the temperature byy far too much. so just keep it in light at day, or get a lamp.

Can a male betta fish breed without female?

No. You need one of each.

Does a betta's fish tank with a light healthy for the betta?

Yes a light is healthy for a Betta, they need lights for warmth (the light will heat up the water) And Bettas get sick easily so without warm water they will get ill and lose there color and become a gray color.. Which is not pretty.

Why do you need a breeding tank for the bettas?

after breeding the male betta might attack the female and the fry is in danger

Why is your female fighting fish getting fat with no male?

A female Betta does not need a male for her to come into breeding condidion (develop ova). She does however need a male to assist her in order for her to lay (spawn) those eggs.

What does it mean that a male Betta Fish has bubbles at the top of his bowl since adding a female Betta Fish yesterday?

the guy at PetSmart told me it means the fish wants to mate ...yep, even fish have the need :)

How long do female Betta fish live?

Female betta fish can last as lond as five years. But as always, it depends on how you take care of them. They need proper feeding, and they always need a clean tank at least once a week. This is the same for male bettas as well.

Can a female betta fertilize her eggs without the male betta?

no. the male betta just cares for the eggs. the male betta does somthing to the female called an embrace, he basicly hugs the eggs out of her than he kills the female or his just fights with her until she leaves him alone. then he cares for the eggs until hatching.

Can you give a Betta fish a fish light?

yes but you will need to make sure the batteries are out and the flash light is clean By:fish expert Serena