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Knowing that:

  • Energy output from the sun to the moon: 1.44 kW/m2 (1440 Mw/km2)
  • The albedo of the Moon is 0.12. In other words, the Moon reflects back 12% of all the radiation that falls upon it.
  • The moon's effective fiaeter is: The diameter of the Moon is 3474 km
  • Therefore the moon intercepts 10,913 km2 of sunlight on a continuous basis

The amount of solar energy retained by the moon is about 15 million Mw.

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Q: How much light from the sun is on the moon?
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Why does the moon reflected so much light?

The moon reflects so much light because the moon reflect the light of the sun. The amount of light on the moon that is showing is directly related to the position to the moon. (From

What determines how much moon you see on a clear night?

The moon doesn't get it's own light the sun reflexes on the moon so basically the sun brightens the moon for light. :)

How much of the sun is facing the sun from the sun?

Half. The Moon is roughly spherical; half of the Moon is in the light, and the other half is dark.

How much of the moon gets light from the sun at all times?

It depends how much part of earth is in between sun and moon blocking sun's light as the moon is a sphere and earth's shadow causes it to look like being changing its shape.

Does the sun and moon emit light?

the sun only emit light. not the moon. it will reflect the light of the sun.

How much brighter is the sun compared to the moon?

Well, the moon doesn't make it's own light. The moon reflects the light of the sun. As seen from earth the moon is bright, but it's like a mirror, the light is not it's own.

Is moon a source of light?

The moon's light is reflected from the sun, so the moon itself is not a source of light. The light you see is light hitting the moon from the sun.

Why is it you cannot see the stars and moon during day time?

because the moon and stars ;it has a light color only;; while the sun has much strong color;;; so if there's a sun the moon and stars ;;did you cannot appear bec. the sun has much light under the moon and stars

Why can people see the Moon?

sun gives the light to the moon sun gives the light to the moon

Is the moon heated by the sun?

The moon is mainly heated by the sun. But the moon has sunlight pretty much because it reflects off the sun. The sun is its own source of energy/light which comes from Nucleur Fusion. As the energy travels out from the surface of the sun it cools until then the Moon is preserved as Light. So Yes the moon is heated by the sun

How are the light from the Sun and Light from the moon different?

The "light" from the moon is reflected sunlight. The phases of the moon are a clue as to the location of the sun.

What part gives off light?

The moon, itself doesn't so much "give off light" as it reflects light from the sun. On those occasions the moon is positioned between the sun and the earth, we get an eclipse as the moon is blocking the sun for a short period of time.