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Cottage cheese is a solid, sometimes as a paste.

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Q: Is cottage cheese a solid or a liquid?
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Is cottage cheese a solid a liquid or a gas?

It is a solid

What is the difference between Farmers Cheese and Cottage Cheese?

farmers cheese isfarmers cheese is cottage cheese that has been pressed in a form to remove all the liquid, leaving a brick of formed cheese that can be sliced or crumbled when milk is curdled with rennet or vinegar, it forms solid curds and liquid whey. Farmers cheese is made by draining the whey off, usually in a cheesecloth. This makes a raw, soft cheese. It can be drained further by compressing the cloth or letting it drain longer. Salt or herbs can be added.

Is a cheese solid liquid or gas?

Cheese is usually solid, except when used in cooking, or melted on toast in a semi-liquid state.

Why is cheese a solid?

Melted cheese is a liquid,i dunno why but,once i searched this question,i looked at a question, it saidIs cheese solid or liquid and then i looked at the bottom of that question,it said:It depends; Melted cheese is a liquid... so i posted the question and i answerd it like this...

What was little miss muffin really eating?

She was eating 'Curds and whey' - which is milk that has been separated into a liquid and a solid. Curds and whey is used to make the soft, moist cottage cheeses. So possibly she was eating a bowl of cottage cheese?

Would mac and cheese be a semi solid food?

Mac and cheese is a solid food. The sauce is liquid, but starchy. The solid is of course the mac and cheese.

How are block cheese and cottage cheese related?

During the process of making cheese, the milk becomes semi-solid (known as "curds and whey"). It's stirred constantly while the little bits of "pre-cheese" begin to bind together. Before it's strained and tied up or blocked to make hard cheese, a portion of the curds and whey can be saved. This product is then made into cottage cheese. The relationship, then, is that cottage cheese is essentially the beginning of hard cheese.

What is an airplane a gas solid or liquid?

An aeroplane is a solid: constructed mainly from light-weight aluminium.

Which cheese grows fastest yellow cheese or cottage cheese?

cottage man!

Does cottage cheese constipate you?

No, cottage cheese is protein and dairy

Can you substitute cottage cheese for cream cheese in a blueberry cake?

Yes Indeed You Can Add some seasoning and Cream Cheese Taste And Smells Like Cottage cheese!Yes, particularly if you run it through the blender or food processor. Drain off any excess liquid.

What is dry cottage cheese?

Cottage cheese with dried milk and dairy. Although my answer is not the most specific, it is the basics on what dried and/or curd cottage cheese is.