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Q: How much macro and micro nutrients are in fruits and vegetables?
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Define micro and macro nutrients?

Macro nutrients = six nutrients are required by the plants in large quantities and hence these are called macro nutrients. Micro nutrients = iron , manganese , zinc , copper , molybdenum , boron and chlorine are the micro nutrients which used in small quantities.

Classes of food?

There are a few different ways to classify foods. The food groups are fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. The 7 classes are carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, fats, fiber, vitamins, and water. These can be broken down into categories such as macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), micro-nutrients are needed in smaller amounts (vitamins, fruits, and vegetables), inorganic micro-nutrients (minerals), and some classify water as a class too.

Why does a plant need nutrients?

plants need macro nutrients and micro nutrients. macro nutrients are needed at large quantity and micro nutrients are needed in small quantities. there are 10 macro nutrients and 6 micro nutrients.The 10 macro nutrients arecarbonhydrogenoxygennitrogenpotassiumcalciummagnesiumsulphurironphosphorousthe 6 micro nutrients aremolybdenumchlorineboronzinccoppermanganese

Is the GM diet a good detox diet?

This seems like a poor diet to me. If you would like to detoxify your body you need to consume only micro nutrients and no macro nutrients. Fruits and Vegetables contain micro nutrients and it is easier for your body to break down and use. Meats contain macro nutrients and your body has to work harder to break those nutrients down. If you would truly like to detoxify your body I would look into a juicing diet which is pretty much drinking only a vegetable and fruit blend juice to give you the micro nutrients that you need and also give your body a break.

What is micro and macro nutrients?

there are sixteen nutrients needed by plant ,three nutrients it gets from air, water, soil and from other thirteen nutrients ,six are required in large amount called macro-nutrients and seven are required in small amount are called micro-nutrients .

What are the basic nutrients?

Most foods contain a mix of nutrients, which are classified as either macro-nutrients, or micro-nutrients. The macro-nutrients are carbohydrates (including fiber), fats, protein, and water, which we need in relatively large amounts. Carbohydrates, fats, and protein provide the structural material of cells, as well as energy (calories). Micro-nutrients include vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients, including antioxidants and pigments, which we need in relatively small amounts compared to macro-nutrients.

What is the basis for dividing the seventeen essentials plants nutrients into two classes of macro nutrients and micro nutrients?

the amount needed from each

What is happening to the nutrients in a compost pile?

Breakdown and solubilization are the happenings to nutrients in compost piles. The nutrients decompose through consumption and excretion by macro- and micro-organisms. The waste products emerge as soluble macro- and micro-nutrients that can be taken in by soils and by such soil food web members as plant roots.

Do hydroponically grown plants need both micro and macro nutrients to live?


Differentiate micro-nutrients and macro-nutrients?

A micro-nutrient is a nutrient that is necessary for proper function but you only need in small quantities. For example iodine or zinc. A macro-nutrient is something you need in mass quantities. For example, glucose or proteins.

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