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Cats are obligate carnivores, which means, they have to eat only animal-derived products to survive. However, commercial cat foods are made of very poor quality parts which are not suitable for human consumption, such as cartilage, blood, some offal, and skin.

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Q: How much meat do cats eat in a year in America?
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Angola imports a great deal of meat. The meat that Angola imports the most of is poultry at 333,000 tons a year.

How many birds are killed by cats each year in America?

IF you can extrapolate that across the full year, that would be an average of 35.5 birds killed by each cat/each year. IF you can use that figure for all outdoor cats, you get a calculation of 4.1 billion birds killed each year.

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Humans eat billions of them every year. Fox, raccoons, badgers, skunks, hawks, coyotes, bobcats, lynx, cougars, and even domestic dogs and cats. Pretty much anything that eats meat will attack chickens.

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It is estimated that between 20 and 30 million cats are put to sleep every year. That is why it is so important to have your cat spayed or neutered.

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As much time as you can give your cat, or as much time as the cat can take from you...

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How many cats die in shelters a year?

It would be impossible to know how many cats are killed, in the world, are killed each year. But you could, however, divide it into categories. For instance, around 44,632 cats are killed for experiments, 8 million a year are killed in animal shelters, and I estimate 5 to 6 thousand are killed for the cat meat trade. P.S I am animal lover and did not mean to upset anyone by this disturbing read.