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Varies from person to person, fart to fart. The total volume of a fart varies from 5 to 375 ml. The gasses that make up farts are varied- and a given fart can range from 0-10% methane.

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Q: How much methane do you excrete each time you fart?
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Since gas airsoft guns use methane to shoot the BBs and the canisters cost too much to replace could you just fart into the canister to refill it since a fart's considered methane?

I cannot imagine what antics you would have to employ in order to get the methane to go in and stay in the canister, since methane is lighter than the surrounding air and would not be easy to contain upside-down while you seal it!

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Really? Is that an actual question? You do expell methane as you fart which is not a breathable gas but since when are your covers an air tight seal to the point that you displace the air with your farts and suffocate?

Does cow corn cause farts?

It depends on if you are eating with a Mxican, if so than you are likely to fart so much the peoples heads behind you may in fact blow up. If not then the same might happen to a greater degree. If you eat with a blond your stomach will pop out of your body and kill you in your sleep. Now if this cow corn was grown i antarctica you will die instantly.

Is farting pollution?

It depends on your definition of Pollution. If a person would fart enough toxic gases in a closed environment he might just suffocate. But, it's a natural function of the human body. Our bodies take in oxygen from the air and nutrients from food, absorbs all that is good and releases the poison left in the body through the lungs, urine and colon. So farting is as much Pollution as taking a dump, pissing or exhaling. If a cow farts, he pollutes with methane gas.

Can you light your fart?

Yes you probably can just don't try in in the locker room, ok? There'll probably be a big explosion.

How often does a cockroaches fart?

The American cockroach can give off up to 35g a year of methane; more than 43 times their average body weight. However it is a myth that cockroaches fart every 15 minutes, with experts concluding it was much less.

Why do fathers fart?

They fart so much because they eat to much

Do cows fart?

Yes they do, but they burp much more than they pass gas. As a matter of fact, a cow will eructate (burp) once every minute of every day because of the proximity of the rumen to the mouth. Thus more methane is passed through the mouth than the anus, because it has a much shorter distance to travel outwards. Where the methane only has to go from the rumen to the esophagus and out the mouth, the methane gas would have to go through the abomasum, small intestine, then large intestine (which are quite long when stretched out) then finally the rectum.

How much does a cockroach fart?

The American cockroach can give off up to 35g a year of methane; more than 43 times their average body weight. However it is a myth that cockroaches fart every 15 minutes, with experts concluding it was much less.

How much fart can you fart in a day?

about 50 times a day

How much gas is in an average fart?

The major components of the flatus, which are odorless, by percentage are:Nitrogen: 20-90%Hydrogen: 0-50%Carbondioxide: 10-30%Oxygen: 0-10%Methane: 0-10%

How much methane does a pig produce a day?

5 lbs. of food every day for 100 lbs. of pig. So if I had a 200 lb. pig, I would need to feed it 10 lbs. of food per day. Food includes any scraps of food, and grains.