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That depends on the type of bulbs you replace, the type of replacement light bulb, how long you typically use a light bulb, and what the cost of electricity is in your country. Here is a sample calculation:

Previously we normally used 100 Watt incandescent light bulbs. A 40 Watt fluorescent light bulb shines about as bright. That's a saving of 60 Watts or 0.06 kilowatts, equivalent to 0.06 kWh/hour.

If we use the light bulb 6 hours a day, 30 days a month, that's 180 hours a month. Multiply that by the savings rate, and you get an energy saving of 10.8 kWh per month. At the costs of the light bulbs we use, and of electricity, we recover the cost of the light bulb in 1-2 months - and the light bulb typically lasts much longer than that. However, you should look how much YOU pay for electricity - just look at the bill from your power company. You should also check for how much you can get a light bulb in your country - and adjust the estimate according to how much artificial light you use per day.

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Q: How much money can you save using energy efficient light bulbs?
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How many times do you need to replace energy efficient fluorescent light bulbs?

comparing to the traditional light bulbs energy efficient fluorescent light bulbs uses 25% to 75% energy and saves money also and it lasts up to 3 to 25 times long so there is no need to replace energy efficient fluorescent light bulbs often.

Do halogen bulbs save energy and money?

Halogen light bulbs are more efficient on energy and last twice as long as a regular light bulb thus saving you money. After researching several websites on energy it is stated that a regular light bulb costs $9.49 for 1460 hours of use whereas a halogen light for the same amount of hours costs $8.76.

Are my opportunities to buy fluorescent light bulbs soon going to be gone?

Fluorescent light bulbs are not going to be illegal to buy, but they make up a very low percentile of the light bulb market. It is highly recommend if you want save to money that you switch to energy efficient light bulbs.

What is the best way to make my home energy efficient?

Using a more efficient washer and dryer along with an energy efficient dishwasher will save a good amount of money as well as changing to energy efficient bulbs.

What are the most energy efficient light fixtures for my dining room?

The most energy efficient lighing is florescent lighting; it takes less power and energy to turn on. CFL lightbulbs are also very energy efficient and would save a lot of money. They will have an energy saver sign on the box if you are not sure. A fixture that has an energy star approved logo on the item would be the most efficient and use the least amount of energy possible. Also using energy efficient light bulbs will improve the efficiency.

Saving Your Dad Money on Fathe's Day 2011?

For Fathers Day 2011, think about eschewing the typical gifts and giving your dad something more practical. Change out all of the light bulbs in his home with energy efficient bulbs. Because energy efficient light bulbs use much less power than incandescent light bulbs, a house full of them will drop utility bills dramatically. When choosing energy efficient bulbs for Fathers Day 2011, you will have three options. First, you can swap out the bulbs for fluorescent lights. Fluorescent lights are inexpensive, but you will more than likely have to change out all of the lamps and lighting fixtures since the bulbs are not compatible with lamps that take incandescent bulbs. Next, you can opt for the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulb, which are fluorescent lights that are made to fit into traditional light bulb receptacles. Not only do these bulbs use much less energy than regular bulbs, but they will also last much longer, saving your father money in the long run. Finally, you can choose to buy light emitting diode (LED) bulbs, which are also energy efficient. Because these are new, they are more expensive on the front end, but will last longer than CFL bulbs as well as use less energy.

What are the few available electricity companies in Florida?

One of the available electricity companies in Florida is called Florida Power & Light Company. Be sure to use energy efficient light bulbs to save money.

Is wac lighting more ecomical than standard energy lighting?

Wac Lighting creates energy efficient and green light bulbs. Compared to traditional light bulbs, you can save a significant amount of money depending the type of bulb used. It also depends on the situation and how much the light is used. One can experience savings in the $100's yearly.

What are the advantages of Philips LED light bulbs?

Philips LED light bulbs are fashionable light bulbs and also have benefits as they save energy, save the consumer money and also help protect the environment.

Why do energy saving light bulbs save money?

Because they use less power

What some some energy efficient brands of refrigerators?

* InBritain and Europe, appliances are rated A to G. The 'A' appliances are the most energy efficient. * In Australia and New Zealand, household appliances (both electrical and gas) display an 'Energy Star' Label and are listed publicly by type on the following government website:

What should you do to save money on your electric bill?

You can buy the fluorescent light bulbs or tubes. They are the white ones. They use less energy that the yellow bulbs.