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There are other factors, such as how much you earned, whether someone can claim you as a dependent and how much money was withheld.

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Q: How much money do you get back in taxes for being a college student?
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Do you give taxes or get taxes?

You GIVE taxes to the government. The money comes from what you've earned. You can also GET your taxes back in certain situations like, if you're a student in school.

What are the rules for claiming the Hope Credit on taxes?

"People that want to claim the Hope Credit on their taxes must follow the certain rules. It can only be done in the first two years of college, student must at least be a half time student, cannot be used for tuition that was paid for using scholarship funds, grants or employer money and the student must have no felony drug convictions."

Can a student file taxes even if no money was withheld?

They can but would not benifit them. They would owe tax.

Will the IRS take your taxes for unpaid student loan?

The government can offset refunds by what it is owed...(the money would go to the student loan program).

Do federal student loans count as income for tax purposes?

No. Student loans are borrowed money, and is not considered "income;" therefore, you do not include them on your taxes.

How to find out if my taxes are being help for student loans?

Contact your loan servicer or your guarantor.

Can you claim your daughter on your taxes if she already claimed herself?

The only way to do this is if she is a working minor who still lives with you or a full-time college student with a part-time job who still relies on you for money and also still resides with you.

Can you get money back on your taxes if you pay for college out of you pocket?

It is only deductible if you are already in the field and can relate the courses to your current work. If you actually get money back on your taxes is an entirely different issue.

Do you have to file taxes if you are a student?

If you are 21 you have to file taxes

Can you claim your 20 year old full time college student on your taxes?

If no one else is claiming them, if they didn't work and earn money themselves, if you provided them with over half their support for the tax year, if they live with you for over half the year, and if they pass the relationship test. Being at school during class times does not count as residing away from your home as long as their residence is listed as yours with the College.

What is the age limit to carry a full time high school student on your taxes?

If you're providing shelter and financial assistance to that student then you can claim them until their no longer dependent on you financially. They just can't file taxes for them selves in the same year that you're claiming them.