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business administrations make about 10,000 a year

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Q: How much money do you make with a degree in business administration?
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Related questions

What is a business administration certification and what does it make you eligible for?

If you get a certification in business administration, it is less of a certification than an actual bachelor's degree, but it can be considered equivalent to an associates degree in some circles.

How much will a person make who has a bachelor's degree in business management with a minor in business administration?

It depends on what area you work for.

How much money money can you make with a bachelor's in business?

According to CNN/Money the average starting salary for a BA in Business Administration is $39,488 in 2005. Keep in mind that many business people do not have a bachelor's degree in Business. In my field, securities (as in stocks, bonds, etc.), many folks have an engineering degree. They typically get an MBA, but the quantitative demands of engineering serve one well in business.2$depends

Where can I apply for an online business administration course and get my graduate degree?

Depending on where you want to get your graduate degree, Phoenix can assist. They offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees and you would want to make sure the business administration course would qualify for what their requirements are.

How much money does a preschool and childcare administration?

How much money does a preschool and childcare administration? ???? Make a hour . Do in a day ????

What is a factoring company, and does working at one require a degree?

A factoring company helps a business make money by selling the business's accounts receivable (the money people own them) to other businesses. These businesses get these accounts for a discount and then get to collect the money when it is paid back. As for the degree, it depends upon what you want to do within the company.

Work For Yourself?

There are many ways to use a spa management degree. One of the things you can do is open your own business. You can find someone who has a degree in the same course and have a business together in order to serve more people and make more money. You can also work for a business that employees workers with a spa degree.

why do you want to get a business administration lesson?

You would want to get a business administration lesson to help start your business from the floor up. This can be helpful to you in the long-run and help make your future business a successful one.

Where is the best school for getting degree in social work?

School of Social Work at the University of Southern California offers a Master of Social Work and Doctor of Philosophy to you, with various concentrations and sub-concentration, which can be selected. The program also offers a dual degree, which can make students to get a degree in Business Administration, Gerontology, Jewish Communal Service, Law, or Public Administration with a Master of Social Work.

Why does some one with a degree make more money?

they make more money with a degree simply because that means they have more education, and so they no more about what their degree is in.

More Work Means More Money?

The salary you would earn with a business degree depends upon what job you would do. If you work in an office in the city, you would probably make more money than someone who worked in a smaller office in a small town. The larger the business you work for, the more money you will make.

What is objective in business?

A business' objective is to make money. They are in business to make money for their stockholders. They sell products and services to maximize their profits.