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How much money does a dental hygiene earn in the state of Michigan?

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The salary of a dental hygienist in Seattle, WA will vary depending on experience and employer. On average, they can make around $73,000 per year.

How much does a dental hygienist earn a year?


How much money does a dental nurse earn?

Dental hygienists on average make about $70,000 a year. This number varies depending on the experience of the dental hygienist, the practice they work for, and location.

How much money does a dental hygienist earn per year?

Entry Wage: $52,400Median Wage: $57,520Experienced Wage: $63,040

What is the Average dental hygienist starting salary?

A dental hygienist can expect to earn approximately $50,000 as a starting salary. This may increase with more qualifications and experience, and will vary in different areas.

How much does a dental hygienist earn in Texas?

A dental hygienist makes around 53,000 dollars in Texas. If they go back to college, and learn more advanced skills, they can make around 70,000 dollars a year.

How much money does a dental hygienist working for a periodontist make?

The job and salary reports don't separate out the dental hygienists working for a periodontist. Dental hygienists earn anywhere from $52,630 per year to $84,230 with the median annual salary being $68,770.

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Why do you want to become a Dental Hygienist?

One may want to become a dental hygienist because the pay is good. One can earn between $45-55 per hour with it. It is also a good way to build long-term relationships with other people.