

Best Answer Right click Peace Officer Jobs/employment and you will have your answer. The role of a California Parole Agent is primarily a paper pushing social worker. The pay is excellent but the job is not much more than previously described. Great positions are available such as the Fugitive Apprehension Team, or assignment to a task force, even a move up to Special Agent for the Special Services Unit/Law Enforcement Investigations Unit. Those opportunities are rare and very competitive so don't expect it. The training for a Ca Parole Agent is rather poor also. You are assigned to a Parole Agent Academy for ten (10) weeks and then you hit the streets. They do not have an FTO (Field Training Program) and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation IST (In-Service Training) is not much more than, sign documents that state you have received the training. If you want the training expect to spend a lot of your own time and money getting it. You will work with other agencies and can mooch off of them or pay for it yourself. Unfortunately, CDCR is not a California POST (Police Officer Standards and Training) participating agency so you are not able to get most of the quality training courses you want or should. It should be said that there are a lot of knowledgable PA's that earned there stripes the hard way. You can accomplish anything if you put effort into it. With the CDCR you are going to have get it yourself. If you want to do police work, go for a sheriff's department or a police department. You might not get paid the same nor have the same benefits but you will enjoy the work. Remember that anything is what you make of it so go for Parole if you want, just be prepared to work much harder to do policing type work.and to gain the proper training.

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Q: How much money does a parole officer earn in California?
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