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Depends on how many teeth you fix. But get art time job.

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Q: How much money does an orthodontist make a month the first year?
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How much orthodontist make a month?

Go on to they will give you a more accurate answer but a Orthodontist can make 200,000 to 350,000 a year, so a month i would say minimum 20,000 maximum 40,000.

How much money an orthodontist make in a week?


Who has more money an electrical engineer or an orthodontist?

A surgeon makes a lot more money than an orthodontist. An orthodontist makes around 60,000 dollars a year where a surgeon will make around $120,000 dollars a year.

How much money does a music producer make in a month?

first starting out they can make 2,250 dollars a month but once they get better the can make 1,000,000 dollars a month it also counts on how many songs they make.

What field should a dentist specialize to make a good income?

orthodontist. Braces seem to be a good place to make some money

If you go to school to be an orthodontist how much money would you earn in a years work?

You would make alot of money around like 250,000 to 350,000

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Top lawyers at prestigious firms can earn six or seven figures per year, which can equate to tens of thousands of dollars per month. However, salaries can vary widely based on factors such as experience, location, and specialty.

How much money can I make in a month?

Here is the way on knowing how to make money each month by doing nothing! //

Is being an orthodontist a good job?

Yes, you make a lot of money, only work 4 days a week, and it is awesome!

How much money does a FBI make a month?

About 6666 a month

How does an orthodontist make in a hour?

About $99.13

How many years it take to become an orthodontist?

first of all it depend how many college credits u have. then after undergraduate you need you do 4-5 years of collg. and then another 2-3 years for orthodontist. it is a lot of college but you can make a lot of money. If you enjoy working with mouth and like money go with it!