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No accurate figure can be given.

Many companies are private concerns and their accounts are not open to public scrutiny. Though no doubt several millions are spent on advertising such things every year.

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200 million

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Q: How much money is spent on advertisements for video games?
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Do you get money from advertisements on YouTube?

Yes, it is possible to get money from the advertisements displayed on YouTube as long as you have uploaded at least one "valid" video. If you enable your account for monetization, then you'll be able to make money off of the video views that your video receive because of the advertisements placed in and around your video(s).

What is video Monetization?

Video monetization is when you upload a video and you decide to allow YouTube, or any video service, display advertisements on your videos in exchange for money when people view the advertisements. In many cases, you will make money when advertisement is displayed on your videos, however, if your video contains copyrighted material claimed by another owner, you may not be able to monetize your video.

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Video Games

Jessie spends 35 every month on video games If his allowance is 70 what percent is spent on video games?

why would you buy video games for 35 bucks????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????v 50%

What makes more money - Hollywood movies or video games?

Video Games

Why are children playing violent video games?

It is difficult to know why children play violent video games. Reasons may include: because they want to, lack of parent involvement, gaming advertisements, siblings and peer pressure.

Why do video games cost so much money because people are selfish?

Making video games is not easy or cheap. You have graphics, coding, hardware costs... and multiply that by 1000000 or so. Video games cost money because of this.

Which makes more money video games or movies?

Video games. In 2008 video games made 10 billion and movies made 9 billion. video games have been on a 25% rise ever since.