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Q: How much money should you give a semi-close friend for her bat mitzah?
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What does mean lend your money and lose your friend?

You should not lend money to your friends; if you do, either you will have to bother your friend to repay the loan, which will make your friend resent you, or your friend will not repay the loan, which will make you resent your friend.

How much money should you give a friend for her bat mitzva?

close friend = $100 friend/classmate $30-$50

You are invited Chinese wedding for your friend. How much money you should give?

its your choice.

Should you give money to your friend?

you can give money to your friends if they ask for it, but if its for their birthday, try to get a little more creative

My ex friend sent me money on PayPal as a gift I called the cops on him and his dad for domestic problems What should i do with the money?

If your ex friend sent you money on PayPal as a gift, and you called the cops on him and his dad for domestic problems, have the money as the exhibit.

If you loan your friend money should he sign a promissory note or an IOU?

Only if you ever want to see your money again.

What if your ex friend sent you money on PayPal as a gift you called the cops on him and his dad for domestic problems what should you do with the money?

If your ex friend happened to send you money on PayPal and you told cops about it, it is advised that you still keep the money to be used as an exhibit in a court of law.

Did Mr. Wemmick agree that Pip should give some money to a friend?

No, he disagreed...

My ex friend sent me money on PayPal as a gift I called the cops on him and his dad for domestic problems What should i do with the money-?

If your ex friend sent you money as a gift, and you called the cops on him and his dad for domestic problems, just keep the money to act as your exhibit in a court of law.

Is it wrong to accept money from a friend that is married?

No,your friend is your friend,if get married or not & you can accept money from your friends,can't you?

What should you do if your friend is constantly asking to take songs from your iTunes?

Tell your friend to get their own iTunes account and money. Say that you paid for the songs, and it isn't right that they get songs for free when you pay for them. If your friend is really a friend, he/she will understand.

What should you do if your friend is mad at you?

do anything for him/her. you can make a plan to save his/her life, give him/her money, or be extra nice to him/her. you can also do more things to make your friend forgive you.