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I'm guessing math isn't one of the better grades making up that 2.6.

Take the number of credits you already have with the 2.6 GPA.

Multiply it by 3.6.

That's approximately the number of credits of straight As (4.0) you need to bring your overall GPA up to 3.7 (assuming rounding is used, that is; you'll still be just a hair under 3.7 exactly).

In other words: if your GPA is 2.6, then unless you haven't finished your second freshman semester yet, it's pretty much mathematically impossible for you to get it to 3.7 by the time you graduate.

There may be some wiggle room if your school plays games with things like "honors" courses, like counting As in honors courses as 5.0 instead of 4.0 (you only need 0.84 times as many straight As in honors courses as you already have to hit 3.7 in that case), or if you can retake courses and replace your existing grades with the new ones.

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Q: How much more credits do you need from a GPA 2.6 to a GPA 3.7?
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It depends on the number of credits already accumulated. They less credits already completed the easier it is to raise the GPA. For example, if you have completed 80 credits and your GPA is 3.067, it would be take more than 16 credits to make that much of a difference, and that being even if you received an A in every course. Remember, to raise your current GPA, you will have to achieve no less that a B+ in every course and that will not bring it to even a 3.5 GPA. Some students will repeat courses they have received a D or C in which also makes a difference. Still, a GPA of 3.0 or higher is good.

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It's not that easy. To calculate the GPA, you need to know the total amount of credits earned, the quality point assigned, and the number of credits the course you received the B- in (two credits, three, four, etc.). In other words, you take the total amount of quality points, and divide that by the total number of credits earned.

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It's not that easy. To calculate the GPA, you need to know the total amount of credits earned, the quality point assigned, and the number of credits the course you received the B- in (two credits, three, four, etc.). In other words, you take the total amount of quality points, and divide that by the total number of credits earned.

Your GPA is 3.59 if you receive B minus grade what would be your new GPA?

It's not that easy. To calculate the GPA, you need to know the total amount of credits earned, the quality point assigned, and the number of credits the course you received the B- in (two credits, three, four, etc.). In other words, you take the total amount of quality points, and divide that by the total number of credits earned.

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Cosmetology scholarships require at least 3.0 GPA.

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It depends on how many credits you had before. It's a simple equation, so you should be able to figure it out yourself:(2.12 * (number of credits you had before) + 3.08 * 12 ) / (number of credits you had before + 12)For example, if you had 12 credits before, your new GPA will be 2.60.

Can you fix a 3.1 GPA in 2 years?

By using the word "fix", I assume you mean to increase it. The answer is yes, you can increase a 3.1 GPA in two years by averaging higher than a 3.1 during the next two years. If you have a specific goal in mind, we need to know what the target GPA is, how many credits have been taken to arrive at 3.1 and how many credits will be taken during the next two years. For example, if you have already taken 64 credits to arrive at your 3.1 GPA, and you will take another 64 credits in the next two years, and you want to end up with a 3.5 GPA: 3.5 x 128 credits = 448 448 - (3.1 x 64) = 249.6 249.6/64 = 3.9 So you would need to have a 3.9 GPA during the last two years.

What if your college GPA is 2point73 and you need a 3point4 Can i bring the GPA up with 3 summer classes 11 credits all A and a whole fall semester with a 3point8?

In order to properly answer this question I would need to know how many credits you already have that put you at the 2.73 If you are in your freshman year the chances are better at reaching your target goal.

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It depends on the number of credits earned for each class.

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to get a 3.0 GPA you need too have all As, Bs and a high C

How do you convert cgpa 2.93 out of 4.0 to percentage value in Symbiosis International University - Institute is SCIT?

Multiply your GPA with the total credits and divide by 4. = (GPA*Total credits)/4

How do you raise your GPA before the end of your junior year when it is a 3.3 to a 3.8?

The more credits you have accumulated, the more difficult it will be to raise the GPA. With a 3.3, you will have to achieve no less than a B+ (or 3.5) GPA to raise your GPA and that will not raise it significantly. You would have to strive for an A in all your courses. Still, a GPA of 3.3 is very good. Too many students strive for the grade. They would do much better if they strive to be a better professional within their field. Do the very best you can, and the grades will take care of themselves.