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Q: How much more do electric cars cost than gas cars?
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Will electric cars become more popular than gas-powered cars?

If and when gas is no more or the cost becomes too much there won't be much of a choice then.

What is the average cost for an electric car?

Electric cars vary in price, though they are normally much more expensive than normal vehicles. A small electric sedan is likely to cost about $40,000, but there are often rebates and tax breaks for those that purchase an electric car.

How much did old cars cost?

like not that much they cost about like 3 thousand old cars they are cheap the new ones cost little more:)

Are there more electric cars in London since the congestion charge?

Yes but not by much

Can a car cost 250000?

Yes there are several cars that cost this much or more.

Does it cost much more to insure 2 cars?

yes of course.

How much does an electric car cost?

There are two costs to consider when evaluating electric cars. The initial purchase price, and ongoing costs of maintenance and power. High-end electric cars cost over USD $100,000. Examples of this are the 120 MPH electric car sold by Hammacher Schlemmer, and the electric Tesla roadster. More affordable models include the GM GEM E825, at just under USD $6,000. Hybrid cars, which switch between electric & gasoline engines such as the Prius, typically sell for just under USD $20,000 Well technically it is priceless because it is saving the enviorment

What are the benefits of electric vehicles?

Electric cars have no emissions and are cleaner than conventional and hybrid cars because they produce zero pollution. They also are much more fuel efficient and get better milage.

How much does a electric guitar cost?

an electric guitar can cost from £50 to £2000

How much does electric car parts cost?

it is $5,500 the electric car cost

How much is an electric car compared to a petrol car?

It depends which car it is, electrical cars are usually more expensive.

How much do cars cost?

Cars cost,200 through 1,000,000 dollars.and that is true...