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How much more light does the sun give off than an object with the least apparent magnitude that can be viewed by the naked eye

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Q: How much more light does the sun give off than an object with thte least apparent magnitude that can be viewed by the naked eye?
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What is the magnitude of constellation Orion?

Orion is a pattern or shape suggested by at least 8 major stars and several dimmer ones, each with its own unique apparent visual magnitude.

What massive star is least massive?

The least massive brown dwarf known is OTS 44. It is only 15 times the mass of Jupiter. The least massive star is a red dwarf called Wolf 424B, which is in the constellation Virgo. Its co-ordinates are: RA:12h 30m 17.2s Dec:+09° 01' 15" Wolf 424B's apparent magnitude is 13.18. It has a companion star called GJ 473 B. The orbital period of the stars is 16.2 years.

What is the brightness of the planet mercury?

Approximately -2.6 to 5.7, "apparent magnitude". Mercury's brightness varies as it orbits the Sun. Mercury is difficult to see because it's so close to the Sun in the sky. So, its apparent magnitude is a bit misleading as a guide to ease of observation. (Also, remember that it is dangerous to look directly at the Sun. Astronomers have developed safe methods for observing things close to the Sun.)

What happens to the temperature of main sequence stars as the brightness increases?

Stars in their Main Sequence stage have generally proportional temperature and color. The color-temperature spectrum of a star ranges from red (2000-3000 Kelvins) to blue (25,000+ Kelvins). Red Giants have a relatively high luminosity and low temperatures. White dwarfs have relatively low luminosity and high temperatures. Main Sequence stars are proportional temperature/color therefore they can vary from relatively high luminosity and temperature to relatively low luminosity and temperature.Absolute Magnitude is the star's genuine brightness. It's apparent magnitude is it's brightness from earth. A star can only be accurately classified once data on it's absolute magnitude is acquired.

Where does a body have least weight equator or earth centre?

In the middle of the earth is where an object has the lightest weight. The weight is zero. The reason is that the mass of the object is pulled equally in all directions so all the forces cancel out.

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Are there any prominent stars ire in Leo?

Yes, at least three - The three brightest stars in Leo the Lion are : Alpha Leonis or Regulus (the Lion's heart) with an apparent magnitude of 1.35, Beta Leonis or Denebola (the Lion's tail) with an apparent magnitude of 2.14 and Gamma Leonis or Algieba (where the Lion's mane meets his body) with an apparent magnitude of 1.98

What is the magnitude of constellation Orion?

Orion is a pattern or shape suggested by at least 8 major stars and several dimmer ones, each with its own unique apparent visual magnitude.

How far can you see over water?

The human eye can see at least 27 million light years away. That is the current distance of the pinwheel galaxy. Of course it just matters on the apparent magnitude, how bright an object appear from earth, of the object. The Sun's apparent magnitude is -26.7, That is extremely bright seeing as the lower the number the brighter it is, however the absolute magnitude, distance an object looks from 32.6 light years away, of the sun is 5.

What is the constellation of Orion?

Orion is a pattern or shape suggested by at least 8 major stars and several dimmer ones, each with its own unique apparent visual magnitude.

Suppose you plot the distance traveled by an object at various times and you discover that the graph is not a straight line what does this indicate about the object acceleration?

If the graph of distance traveled vs. time is not a straight line, it indicates that the object's acceleration is not constant. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so a non-linear distance-time graph suggests that the object's velocity is changing at a non-constant rate, causing a curved graph.

What object has the least inertia?

The magnitude of inertia of an object is we consider the velocity and mass.The object that has least inertia is object that has small mass and velocity.This because the small mass and velocity the easiest it to stop or stop it.As we know that inertia is the tendency of object to remain its state in rest or in uniform velocity in straight line.Small massan velocity of object the small tendency of object to remain it state in rest or in uniform velocity in straight line.

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The smallest magnitude that could be felt by humans is at least a 5.5

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buoyancy is the upward force that keeps things afloat. The net upward buoyancy force is equal to the magnitude of the weight of fluid displaced by the body. This force enables the object to float or at least seem lighter

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at least 5.5

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[object Object]