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Q: How much natural gas is required to produce a ton of ammonia?
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Does a decomposing human produce ammonia gas?

No, but the bacteria and fungi doing the decomposition produce many gases including ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and many worse smelling ones.A small portion ammonia, but most does not. Ammonia is a compound composed of nitrogen and hydrogen. When your body decomposes, much of the mass becomes carbon dioxide and water. Some if it goes into more complex compounds found in the organisms doing the decomposing.

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The decomposition of 10 g ammonia produces hydrogen and nitrogen gases and releases 6300 cal of energy.How much energy is required to form 10g of ammonia from a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen gases?

6300, lavoisier law

Why do high concentrations of blood smell like ammonia?

Ammonia is a natural occurring compound in the blood. It's typically the result of intestinal bacteria during the digestion process. Usually, the body will process the ammonia and you don't have much of an odor, but large amouns of blood can give off a small amount of ammonia. But even small amounts of ammonia will give off the characeristic smell.

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