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All of it, I damn-near broke my tailbone coming inside my igloo! My polar bear fell asleep and slid down to Ontario!

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Canada is covered by over 3,000,000 litres of water.

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Canada in Latin means arctic. Therefore all of it

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Q: How much of Canada lies above the Arctic Circle?
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One third of which state lies in the arctic circle?

Alaska is the only US state that is partially above the Arctic Circle.

One-third of which state lies in the Arctic Circle?

Alaska is the only US state that is partially above the Arctic Circle.

Nearly half of Norway lies above which named line of latitude?

Nearly half of Norway lies above the Arctic Circle, which is located at approximately 66.5 degrees north latitude. This demarcation signifies the point at which the sun does not set for at least 24 hours during the summer solstice.

How much of Norway's land mass lies above the Arctic Circle?

About one quarter.

Where is the arctic in the US?

Part of Alaska lies above the Arctic Circle.

What ocean lies inside the Arctic Circle?

The Arctic Ocean

Is Reykjavik an Arctic city?

No. Reykjavik lies south of the Arctic circle.

Which ocean lies to the north of Siberia and Canada?

The Ocean Above Of Canada Is The Artic Ocean.

Is Greenland part of The Arctic or The Antarctica?

The country lies mostly within the Arctic Circle.The country lies mostly within the Arctic Circle.The country lies mostly within the Arctic Circle.The country lies mostly within the Arctic Circle.The country lies mostly within the Arctic Circle.The country lies mostly within the Arctic Circle.

Which lake lies north of the Arctic Circle in the northeast territories?

Great Bear Lake is on the Arctic Circle in the Northwest Territories.

What city in Finland is near the Arctic Circle?

The Finnish city of Rovaniemi lies about 5 km south of the Arctic Circle.

What Nordic nation lies south of the Arctic Circle?
