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(1/2) - Half from each parent.

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Q: How much of a dogs genes is inherited from its father?
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Are sheepdogs hypoallerginic?

Yes they are English sheep dogs are very much out side dogs Yes they are English sheep dogs are very much out side dogs

Should you breed male father dog with female offspring?

No. This is inbreeding - something no responsible breeder would ever do. Due to the parents will be so closely related, there is an increased chance of ending up with congenital defects in the pups as a result of inbreeding. It is not a chance any responsible breeder would take, as the health of any pups would be the most important consideration. A father-daughter (or mother-son or full sibling) mating would be risky, at best. The more closely related the parents, the greater the chance of their offspring suffering from an inherited disorder. This is because when animals are related to each other they are far more likely to be carrying the same defective genes. When these defective genes pair up in the offspring, inherited diseases occur. Inherited diseases can cause significant suffering and reduce quality of life for the offspring. Other, more long-term effects of inbreeding can include a decrease in genetic variation, which in turn causes an increase in the prevalence of inherited disorders, increased mortality rate and increased infertility, for example.

Do hypoallergenic dogs shed as much hair as regular dogs?

NO. I know that because I am allergic to some dogs.

How much are boosters for dogs?

There is no such thing

Has anyone ever tried to cross breed a dog with a cat?

Some say it is possible. Science say it is impossible.But for the question of people trying, the answer would be Yes.Certain dogs try to have a go at cats, much the same as they go around humping peoples legs.Even if people tried to cross breed these two species, the result will never be a "pregnancy" because the differences in these two species are just to great.The only possibility would be in gene-research and put genes from a dog into the genes of a cat. something that can only be done in an advanced lab.Various reports are out on the web in regards to cats and dogs interbreeding.

Related questions

How much of a dogs genes were inherited from its father?


How to gain my height?

Your height will be mostly a matter of the Genes you inherited and your diet. Not much other than staying healthy that you can do about that.

What are some traits that are inherited?

Characteristics that you inherit from your parents is the color of your hair the color of your eyes and skin. also your height .Sometimes you inherit some of their attitudes and stuff like that. hope that helps

Why might purebred dogs and cats be subject to more inherited disorders than mixed breeds?

Because different breeds are one way or another inbred, with the likelyhood of the genes needed for these diseases much higher than in a dog with two or more different breeds in it's ancestry.

What are things that effect gene function?

Genes are from half your mother anf father the function of the genes are to make you the way you are like eys colour and hair and much more so if we didn't have genes we would not look like the way we do now

How much of your mothers genes do you receive and how much of your fathers?

You receive 50% of your genetic material from each parent. Half of your genes come from your mother and the other half from your father.

Can a blond hair mom and a dark hair father produce a blond hair child?

Yes, however it is much rarer as dark genes are dominant. My father had dark hair and my mother had blonde hair - I have dark hair.

How much of your DNA contains genes?

20.3% of your DNA contains genes

How much do you grow?

It all depends on your genes. How tall your Mother and Father are etc. You will grow through puberty and continue until you are around 20-years-old or whereabouts.

How much a Daschund puppies?

about 500-600 pounds but for a well known breeder and good genes( say ii the mother and father were dog show winner) up to 2000

What are genetics passed from?

You get one allele, or a half of a gene, from each parent. That combination of alleles create a gene. You have different genes for each trait, but all genes are made from your parent's alleles.Read more:

How much did howard hughes inherit?

$900,000 from is father. Thats a value of $11,377,736.84 today