

Best Answer

One whole healthy kidney . Any less, or any disfunction, and you have a problem . Stay on your diet, continue the 8-10 glasses of water daily , the rest of your body still needs it. Practice good handwashing and be very careful with you toilet habits. First sign of ANY problem , off to the doc with you.

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Q: How much of one kidney has to be working in order to stay alive?
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How much of the kidney can be nonfuntinal to keep a person alive?

Generally speaking, you have two kidneys, but you need only one -- even though one is the major, the minor working one is sufficient.

Did brono Mars die?

No hes very much alive and working on his next song album.

What is some advantage for donating a kidney alive?

If a kidney is taken from a live donor it is much healthier and has a better chance of being accepted by the recipient's body than a kidney from a dead donor. For the donor, this does involve major surgery, so it's a bit of a disadvantage to the living donor.

How does the kidney work with these system?

I not sure what you are referring to as these system. Just think of your kidneys as a filter for your body, it filters out the things it does not want, or maybe you have to much of. For example had a patient once who had to much magnesium in her TPN, her kidney filtered it out thru urination. She all of a sudden started putting out large amounts of urine. Having said that if you had kidney issue, your body could not do this and you die. With out at least one working kidney, you are on a dialysis machine. The machine acts just like your kidney do if they were working it filters out the bad stuff and put clean blood back in your system.

Does Liam Payne get drunk?

No because he only has one kidney working and can't drink too much. He has to be careful, even drinking water!

Is Elder dead?

No, Lee Elder is very much alive (as of February 18, 2009) and spends much of his time working with underprivileged youth.

Is Lee Elder dead?

No, Lee Elder is very much alive (as of February 18, 2009) and spends much of his time working with underprivileged youth.

Did ken sugimori die in the Japan earthquake?

No, he is still very much alive today, still working for Game Freak.

You know Barry White died of kidney failure but how did his wife die?

White suffered for years from high blood pressure, which led to kidney failure. At the time of his death he was waiting for a kidney transplant and had also suffered a stroke. ( His wife Glodean White is very much alive. So is his first wife Mary.

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Leonardo DiCaprio is not dead, he didn't kill himself!

Did Kasey Smith off the romance on a rocketship commit suicide?

NO! He is very much living! No matter what anyone says! He's alive and working on his music.

What does it mean if you have a spot on your kidney?

Propberly too much smoking causes liver and kidney problem