

Best Answer

Most people know 3.14, and a few may know 3.141592654 which is the amount that appears on a calculator. Very few will know past that.

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Q: How much of pi does an average person know?
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When was pi first published in a book?

The book Life of Pi was published in 2001, but I don't know if the real person, Pi Patel, was featured in any newspapers or magazines.

Can data for one person be information for another person?

Yes, data can be considered information for one person if it is relevant and meaningful to them. For example, a list of numbers may just be data to one person, but to another person who understands the context and can derive insights from it, it becomes information.

Who use the first to use pi?

The first person to use pi is the awesome man Archimedes he was the first to compute pi's value accurately! I know this answer and I'm in 5th grade!:)

Can data for one person be information for another?

yes ofcourse.e.g. for an average person 3.14 is data, but for an engineer it is a value of Pi i.e. Information.

Why do you need to know pi?

You should know pi because of math. You need pi when you are dealing with circles. The only thing you really need to know about pi is 3.14 though.

Who were the first people to know to find the value of pi?

The ancient Babylonians from around 1700 BC used pi = 3.125. The name of the person who calculated that value was not recorded.

How exactly does PI insurance work?

PI insurance works by taking data on the individual that is applying for insurance. Then a computer generates how much the person should pay for insurance.

Who were the first people know en to find the value of pi?

3.14159..... Thomas Jefferson he is a very smart person

What is the real pi?

pi is 3.14159265...............that is all i know

How much is a pie volume?

How big is the pie? Or, if you're speaking of pi, you have to know the size of the circle.

What is the average number of pi?


How much is a pi?

A pi equals 3.1415326535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923