

How much of the DNA molecule unzips in a cell?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How much of the DNA molecule unzips in a cell?
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What unzips the DNA molecule so it can replicate?


What happens when a DNA molecule unzips?

DNA splits, and mRNA and tRNA are there to create new strands for the new replicated DNA strand. This is what happens prior to mitosis in cell division.

How do you compare DNA to a zipper?

Like a zipper a DNA molecule has two "spines" and jutting out "teeth" that lock together to join the spines. When DNA replicates, it "unzips".

Once a DNA molecule unzips exposed nitrogen base pairs have a strong attraction to each other?


What enzyme unzips the DNA double helix?

The enzyme Helicase unzips the DNA double helix

Replication explain how the structure of DNA allows it to be duplicated so easily why cant protein be copied so easily?

Replication begins when an enzyme called DNA helicase attaches to a DNA molecule, moves along the molecule, and "unzips" the two strands of DNA.

What is the master molecule in a cell?

The DNA molecule.

What features in DNA replication cause each new DNA molecule to be like the original?

DNA polmerase unzips the DNA molecule and because the bases follow Chargaff's rule, the complimentary base is added, resulting in a copy. That's one feature idk another.

What process begins when DNA unzips?

DNA replication or the translation/transcription process begins when a Helicase moves down a DNA strand and unzips it to allow for replication.

What is an example of a biological enzyme?

DNA helicase. This is the enzyme that "unzips" DNA.

How are the rungs of the DNA ladder broken as the DNA molecule unzips?

The rugs of DNA are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. When DNA replication occurs and the ladder has to be broken, an enzyme called "helicase" starts at the replication fork and unwinds the DNA ladder. Helicase breaks the rugs of DNA.

How does DNA limint the size of the cell?

The DNA molecule is the cell's instructions. It is the information contained in this molecule that determines what proteins the cell makes, and we are thinking that a certain part of the molecule called telomeres may even tell the cell how long to live.