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Q: How much of the atmosphere does water vapor take up?
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What will be the effect of millions of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles adding water vapor to the atmosphere?

No noticeable effect will take place, the vapor will turn back into water as nature takes it's course

What would happen if there was no water vapor in the atmosphere?

If there was no water vapour in the sky, we wouldn't have rain, the water cycle wouldn't take place, and life on earth would no longer exist.

How much oxygen does it take to produce water vapor?

The percentage of oxygen in water, vapors or ice is the same.

What is constantly moving in a cycle between the soil and the atmosphere?

The likely answer is water, which has cycles (of vastly different durations) that take it from liquid to water vapor and back to the ground as precipitation.

Between which two steps of the water cycle does the ocean fit?

The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats water in the oceans. Some of it evaporates as vapor into the air. Ice and snow can sublimate directly into water vapor. Rising air currents take the vapor up into the atmosphere, along with water from evapotranspiration, which is water transpired from plants and evaporated from the soil. The vapor rises into the air where cooler temperatures cause it to condense into clouds. Evaporation and condensation

True or false and why water can take only one path through the water cycle?

Energy from the sun causes water on the surface to evaporate into water vapor – a gas. This invisible vapor rises into the atmosphere, where the air is colder, and condenses into clouds. Air currents move these clouds all around the earth. ... That's just one path water can take through the water cycle.

Measure how much water is in a water vapor?

well really you can't measure how much water is in a water vapor because its so tiny and its impossible for you to measure how much water is in a water vapor well really you can't measure how much water is in a water vapor because its so tiny and its impossible for you to measure how much water is in a water vapor

What are possible places in the atmosphere where water can be found?

Everywhere that the relative humidity is greater than 0. Clouds are water vapor. If you take a dry cold can of soda outside and it becomes wet, that water condensed from the air because cold air cannot hold as much water as warm air, so the air around the can loses some of its water to the can.

Where does almost all the Earth's weather happen?

Almost all things weather take place in the troposphere, the lowest level of the Earth's atmosphere and the only one with substantial amounts of water vapor.

What step must occur for water vapor to form?

Water must take over

How long does it take for water vapor to evaporate?

This depends on many factors.

In what form does water take in the atmosphere?
