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Greenpeace say 80% in the Amazon rainforest.

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Q: How much of the rainforest is cut down each year because of cattle ranchers?
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How much do cattle ranchers in the rainforest destroy in a day?

None. Ranchers don't raise their cattle in the rainforest. They raise their cattle on land that was once rainforest, and deforested for reasons either for making more land for more cattle, or more land to grow more crops from palm oil to soybeans.

Why do they do cattle ranching in the rain forest?

They don't use the rainforest. It's the land that the rainforest was once on that is used. Rainforests are cut down and burned to allow for more farming to be done, and grass seed to be sown so cattle can graze in those areas. The more land that a cattle baron can purchase, the larger his cattle herd can be and the more profit he can obtain when selling excess stock. Land that had been "improved" or been converted from rainforest to agricultural land is cheaper than land that has been used for agricultural purposes, thus making it a good investment for such ranchers to make as a means to increase their land size and thus their herd as well.

Who is cutting down the rainforest?

The Brazilian government are cutting down the rainforest.This will afect hundeds of animals and people in the Amazon rainforest but some tribes have decided to use a slash-and-burn method to help the forest recover.For more info go to www.daearwyw.blogspot.comThanx!Another thing is that people who raise cows - ranchers - they cut it down to graze cattle - for us to eat.

How do the Amerindians feel about deforestation?

The Amerindians live in the rainforest so when workers cut down the trees that they need to live, they are losing their habitat and could die. The trees have no way of growing back because the workers but the land and sell it to cattle ranchers so trees and plants can never grow back.

Why ranchers get angry about barbed wire?

This is an "OLD West" Question. Ranchers in the old west used the open range to feed their cattle. They would graze on open land year round. In the summer they would graze in the high country where it was cooler and in the winter they came down to the low country to graze. When farmers arrived in the territories they fenced off their land with Barbed Wire to keep the cattle out. This cut up the open land that the ranchers had always used. Farmers also brought Sheep. Sheep will eat grass down to the roots. Where cattle will not. This also killed off much of the grass land that the cattle needed. Farmers used Barbed wire to keep the cattle out. Cattle, being stupid, would often get caught in the wire, injuring themselves and often dieing from their wounds. Ranchers hated the new farmers and this led to Wars between ranchers and farmers in the Old West.

How is the rainforest affected by cattle ranching?

Negatively. Trees are cut down and burned releasing CO2 into the atmosphere as the cattle barons want to expand their cattle operations. Cutting down the rainforests not only contribute significantly to the greenhouse gas effect, but also endangering critical plant and wildlife habitat where a vast number/variety of plant and animal life exist, most still unknown to many scientists.

How much land do cattle ranchers use?

Depends on how many cows they have, and the land. In Wyoming, they use more land because most of it is sagebrush. Farther down in Missouri they need less land because there is more grass. It also depends on the type of cattle and season. Pasture Rotaion is usually the best way to solve over use.

Who cuts down rainforests and why?

People who cut down rainforests are mostly loggers and construction workers. Loggers, as the name suggests, sell timber for a living. Thus, they have to cut down trees from the rainforest to support their business. Construction workers cut down rainforests to clear land for construction of buildings.

Are there pros to deforestation?

The pro's for deforestation (mainly for the Amazon rainforest): you get paper and wood (trees get cut down), meat (cattle ranching)

Why are rainforest's vanishing?

Because people cut them down.

Why are rainforest disappearng?

Because people are cutting them down.

Why are people worried about the future of the Amazonian Rainforrest?

Many subsistence farmers and cattle ranchers are cutting down the rainforest for their farms or ranches. This leads to mass deforestation, and this is a major issue because around 20-25% of the world's oxygen comes from the Amazon, countless species live in there, and many cures for diseases have been found in the Amazon, so who can say that we haven't killed a plant that might possibly have a cure to cancer? Hope this answers your question.