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i think 50% because the other 50 % is facing the sun

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how long does it take the sun light to reach eath

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14y ago

Half. The Moon is roughly spherical; half of the Moon is in the light, and the other half is dark.

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Q: How much of the sun is facing away from the sun?
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When its night time is the earth facing the sun or facing away from the sun?

It is night in the hemisphere facing away from the Sun.

Is it winter when the sun is facing away from the sun?

The Sun can not face away from the Sun.

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? what if if its facing away from the sun it would be night if that is what u asked

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The Earth tilts toward the sun for spring and summer. So the earth is not facing away from the Sun. If we were not facing the sun, we'd be cold because it would be fall going into winter.

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It happens because the Earth rotates. So at any time, half of the Earth is facing the Sun, so it is bright and day time there and the other half is facing away from the Sun so it is dark and night time. As the Earth continues to rotate, parts that were facing the Sun are soon facing away from it and the parts facing away from it are now facing it, so everywhere gets day and night.

Why do you have nights?

Because that side of the earth is facing away from the sun.

Why you have night?

Because that side of the earth is facing away from the sun.