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either 5-50 percent

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Q: How much of the world's land surface is unaffected by humans?
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How much of the worlds surface is made up of land?

lots of it

How does human development of land affect the carrying capacity in a given area for species other than humans?


What is the relationship with water sun wind and land in the formation of a volcano?

None. The processes that forms volcanoes occurs deep within the Earth. The upwelling of magma (lava) is unaffected by surface phenomenon.

How is most of the worlds land used?

The majority of the land in the world is unused. The largest use, 40% of the surface, is a combination of farming and animal husbandry for food consumption.

What was the size of the British Empire at it's peak?

At its highest peak, the british empire encompassed a third of the worlds land surface.

What are effects of human on the earth?

Humans are depleting the worlds natural resources. They are killing off species of animals, as well as altering the natural way of the land.

What is Midgard?

Midgard is the name of one of nine worlds in Norse cosmology. It roughly translates to "middle earth" or "middle place" and is the land in which humans dwell.

How much gold is in the worlds oceans seawater?

200 times more than the land surface

Is it possible for humans to live on planet Uranus?

No, because Uranus is a gaseous planet, which means it has no surface. Nowhere to land a spacecraft.

What is the term used to explain how humans exploit earths surface for agricultural.?

I am pretty sure it's called Land Use

How many worlds are in super Mario 3d land?

there are 16 worlds. 8 normal worlds and 8 special worlds

How many worlds are there in super Mario 3d land?

there are 100 worlds