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Q: How much of your DNA is identical to that of another person of the same sex?
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Do identical twins have the same finger prints?

no, every person has a diffrent finger print, even if you look identical to another person

Can you have a different finger print on another finger?

Yes. No 2 fingerprints are identical, even on the same person.

What is another word for equality?

same or close to each otherfair balancedsame, identical

Another word meaning same?

alike, identical, similar

How do you spell another word for the same?

similar, equal, identical

If I had identical twins 3 years ago what are my changes of having another set of identical twins?

The same as when you had the first set of identical twins.

What is another word for exact?

Another word for exactness is same, exactly, identical, a like?

Words that mean the same as similar?

agnate, akin, allied, analogous, coincident, coincidental, coinciding, collateral, companion, comparable, complementary, congruent, congruous, consonant, consubstantial, correlative, corresponding, homogeneous, identical, in agreement, kin, kindred, like, matching, much the same, parallel, reciprocal, related, resembling, same, twin, uniform

How could identical twins which are actually clones have different IQs?

Well just because they are identical twins doesn't mean that they are the same person.

What makes all atoms of an element the same?

atoms are of an element are the same becasue the are all made from identical particles. there is no way to distinguish one electron from another electron. the same is true for neutrons and protons. so by virtue of the fact that its constituents are identical, all atoms of the same element are identical.

What is another word meaning the same as in common or same?

I'll give you two: "typical" and "prosaic".

Why does identical twins not have the same weight and Skin colour?

Eye colour is caused by genetics whereas the weight of a person depends on how they life their life (how healthily they eat or how much exercise they do) so it is an environmental variation. Identical twins have the same genes so have the same eye colour.