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Q: How much on average do pigs drink each day?
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Related questions

Can guinea pigs drink pop?

No, guinea pigs should not drink pop.

What does pigs drink?

the drink pee

Do guinea pigs each other pigs?

No - they are herbivores and won't eat so much as a fly.

How do pigs drink water?

Pigs drink water in the same way that dogs do. Pigs will lap up the water they need with their tongues.

How much money is spent on pigs each year?

about 2000

How much should guinea pigs drink and eat?

you just put in the food and water. Your guinea pig will eat and drink until it is full.

What kind of water do guinea pigs drink?

Tap. But they have to have fresh everyday

What happens to eurylochus men after they drink circes wine?

Circe turns the men into pigs with her spells.

Can guinea pigs drink cows milk?

no, guinea pigs should not have dairy.

How much do teacup pigs weigh when full grown?

an average of 15-40 pounds

What is the average weekly weight gain in pigs?

it depends on how much they eat per day

How do baby guinea pigs drink?

baby guinea pigs will suckle mothers milk