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== == THE AMOUNT OF PAIN from having your wisdom teeth out depends on how deep the roots are and how good the dentist is. I would strongly suggest having an ORAL SURGEON for this job. I had all four wisdom teeth pulled at once, by a good oral surgeon, and went to work the same day. I had no swelling and minimal pain. My BROTHER had all four of his out by a less than good dentist, and both sides of his face swelled up like two baseballs, and he had PAIN. Find a good oral surgeon and make sure you get pain medication, and you shouldn't have any problems. Some pain should be felt for a few days to about a week, depending on how complicated the surgery was. Your dentist should prescribe you pain killers to reduce the pain and discomfort.

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16y ago
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12y ago

I just had 2 teeth pulled today. They were my top wisdom teeth. Now I hate pain so i suppose your experience will vary. It hurt. It was not excruciating because they did numb me. But I did feel the pulling and tugging and even felt my tooth break. What I believe hurt the most was my jaw. The teeth hurt just a bit. I do have a headache and im dizzy. I cried about 30 min after I had it done and my mouth feels like someone has punched me. I took 2 hydros but im still hurting and now im tired lol. I will return after I have my bottom 2 dug out and tell you about that.

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14y ago

It will take a few days, or even weeks, sorry to say. The main reason it is hurting is because when you eat the food gets in the little holes left and the gums are trying to fix themselves but cant. So use mouth wash and that speciel thing your dentist gave you and it should get better fast.

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14y ago

The pain is excruciating. It is the only thing that you can think about because it hurts so bad!

Even with pain medicine it is hard to forget about the pain and do something else. It is one of the worst pains that I have ever had. I broke my leg and I would say that it hurt about the same. The wisdom tooth removal might even be worse!

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13y ago

the pain after that kind of removal would be sickening because once they are removed, the area where they were removed at will start to build up puss and will taste horific......the puss is an effect of the gums swelling up with liquid and slowly leaking out

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16y ago

Not as much as keeping them in. Find a dental surgeon that puts you under general anesthesa (vs. local) and you won't have a problem.

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15y ago

Just had some done my self an was woried about it. turned out that there was nothing to fear but fear it's self.

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8y ago

Either under general anesthesia or local --- there will be no pain. The pain comes AFTER the removal and the anesthesia wears off. Your surgeon will give you pain medication for that.

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10y ago

A highly recommended medical school in New Jersey that you can attend is the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. They have eight schools at five campuses.

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Q: How bad is pain after wisdom teeth removal?
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Are removal of wisdom teeth covered by OHIP?

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Is it bad if you don't have wisdom teeth?

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it means that that tooth is the wisest of them allyou're wise Answer: Wisdom teeth are "not bad". They are an important part of the oral cavity. Yet, they can cause the most problems.

Can you get a wisdom tooth infection even if you have taken medicine?

Yes, you can. An infection in your wisdom tooth is signaled by foul taste in your mouth, bad persistance breath, pain in your teeth, headache, fever and chills (at advanced stage infection).

What could be wrong if you have jaw pain and some ear pain but no tooth pain?

It could very well be a wisdom tooth trying to cut. When a wisdom tooth begins to cut, it can move several teeth in the process and cause some jaw pain. The ear pain could be drainage if a wisdom tooth is cutting. A few painkillers are your best bet to help the pain, or you could opt to have the wisdom teeth removed surgically. It could also be a sinus infection or infection in a root tooth. A dentist's x-ray is the best plan.

Does everyone get all 4 wisdom teeth?

Not necessarily. Some hypodontic individuals do not have a full set of 32 permanent tooth buds. But the average human will have 4 third molars (wisdom teeth), even though they may not develop or erupt. About 3 out of 4 people have wisdom teeth grow in. Some people have small mouths, so there is no room, and this can damage the gums unless they are removed. The removal of wisdom teeth is often complex due to their position and a tendency to form curved roots.

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Why do my teeth hurt?

It may be because you don't brush your teeth often. But you might be thinking, i DO brush my teeth twice a day but you have t brush them thoroughly, it my seem a pain but trust me, its worth it. 2 whole minutes. You may be grunting but take my word for it , it is worth it! Also make sure you have a good, well known toothpaste and a decent brush. If your bristles are starting to fray its time for a new brush! So if you do that, you will have healthy teeth!

Can my i get a head ache from my teeth?

Absolutely. The pain from a bad tooth can give you a very bad headache. So can clenching or grinding your teeth.

You had your wisdom teeth removed yesterday morning you feel totally normal no pain but you were wondering if you are able to drink soda Dr Pepper?

pop hurtsyou might be able to but i wouldn't because my sis had her teeth removed and she drank pop 2 days later and her teeth hurt really bad.

What is the CPT code for extraction of a wisdom tooth?

Extraction of a wisdom tooth will involve several codes. You will probably need a brief exam to determine how bad the tooth/teeth are, anesthesia/medication and the actual surgery. You can find a list of dental codes at the Related Link. The ones you are specifically asking about are as follows: D7220 removal of impacted tooth - soft tissue D7230 removal of impacted tooth - partially bony D7240 removal of impacted tooth - completely bony D7241 removal of impacted tooth - completely bony, with unusual surgical complications

If the gum around one a wisdom tooth is a little loose but the wisdom teeth otherwise seem perfectly fine what should be done about it?

Quite often, a piece of gum tissue overlies the wisdom tooth which is partially through. Keep the area as clean as possible, otherwise attend your dental checkups as recommended so your dentist can keep it under observation. If the loose gum is causing you pain or severe irritation, then the wisdom tooth may need to come out, but it sounds unlikely from what you describe. There is no need to have wisdom teeth removed, unless they are causing problems such as pain, swelling, infection, decay in the tooth in front etc. Very often, the risks of wisdom tooth removal outweigh the benefits. Sometimes a wisdom tooth does not erupt completely, and creates an extension of gum called operculum. While eating and chewing on food, this operculum can be irritated and infected causing a pericoronitis. This condition has signs of intense pain, redness, a bad smell and a difficulty of opening the mouth. If the operculum does not go away, it is advised to extract the wisdom tooth to prevent complications of the pericoronitis. Under certain conditions, if the wisdom tooth has erupted, but an operculum is still present, it is possible to make an operculectomy, which is the removal of the extension of the gum itself without extracting the tooth.