

How much plastic is used in a year to make water bottles?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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about 2.7 million tons.

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Q: How much plastic is used in a year to make water bottles?
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How much plastic do water bottles have?

Plastic water bottles are made with the substance of low density polyethylene. The amount contained on average of a single use water bottle is a little over 5 grams.

Why do you waste so much oil to make one plastic water bottle?

WikiAnswers does not make plastic bottles. Waste is an interesting term. The manufacture of water bottles is as efficient as the system can be. There is very little waste in the process as there is very little profit. To make this a busoness model that works requires almost zero waste.

How many plastic bottles will it take to make 20 dollars?

It depends on how much you get for each bottle.

How much water does it take to manufacture plastic water bottles?

i don't know that's why iim askin you! love, tanesha

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The water bottles in landfills take up a great deal of space. It is estimated that about 20 percent of a landfill can be made up of plastic from water bottles.

Why we should not drink natural water?

Provided the water is clean there is absolutely no reason why people should not drink it. IT is MUCH better to drink tap water than water sold to you in plastic bottles. The production of the bottles is killing the planer.

How much money is spent on plastic bottles?

$1 billon worth of plastic

How much does the us recycle plastic bottles?


Why are plastic bottles so light?

there is not much carbon in it

What are the reasons why you still use plastic bottles?

plastic is cheaper than some other materials and it keeps the fluid in it fresh

Which type of reusable water bottle aluminum or plastic can keeps ice water coldest?

Apparantely plastic keeps ice water colder because since aluminum water bottles absorbs the cold and the plastic doesnt so pretty much it keeps colder :)

Do metal water bottles release aluminum ions that can cause cancer?

Aluminum is not known to cause cancer. However, aluminum can dissolve into water, and too much aluminum is not a good thing for a variety of reasons. That is why most water bottles are made of stainless steel. However, it's better then platic, and platic is made from oil, and because of this, it cost way to much to make plastic, the metal bottles are better! :) Not just for the economy and environment but are better for your health! :)