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Q: How much poison does a mouse need to eat to die?
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If a wild mouse dies from rat poison will her week old babies die if they have had her milk?

It is possible but not guaranteed.

How can mice die?

eat poison, die of hunger..a lot of cause i guess...

How long after you poison mice does it take for them to die?

Poison will generally take 1/2 a day to 2 days to kill a mouse.

How much rat poison do you need to die?

Its not just how much, modern commercial rat poison is an anticoagulant. To die from rat poison you would not only have to take a "lethal dose" but then you would have to be injured physically so that you started to bleed. Without such an injury, your liver will eventually metabolize all the rat poison to harmless chemicals that would be excreted in urine and sweat.

Can you die from mouse pee?

No you can not unless it just ate poison but is still alive to let you drink it which is highly impossible so no.

What happens when there is too much poison in your body?

you die

How does mouse poison work?

Most poisons today are anticoagulants. They deplete the Vitamin K stores in the rodent's bodies, and they die from internal bleeding in a few days.

How does poison kill?

It affects the cells inside your body that you need to have to live. If it is sucessfull, you die.

Can a dog die after being treated for rat poison?

Your dog is pretty much dead.

Alcohol a toxic poison that can kill?

yea alcohol can kill you if you drink to much and of yes toxic poison can kill you and with alcohol can get you bad and get you to hit people and toxic poison you just die like BOOM like you drink it u die in one second