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Q: How much power does France get from nuclear reactors?
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Does Romania use more nuclear power than France?

No, France has much more nuclear capacity, as well as a much larger total electricity demand. Romania - 2 reactors, Candu type, 1,310 MWe output France - 59 reactors, PWR type, 63,000 MWe output

Can you get power from the radioactive element Xenon?

xenon is usually a waste product of nuclear reactors and although has power not that much

What is the leading country in nuclear power?

I would say the USA as it has more operating power reactors than any other country, but France is also well up there with a greater proportion of electrical power being nuclear, it is though a much smaller country and industrial economy

How much of the world's energy is from nuclear power plants?

The world's power needs could be met with 7500 well placed reactors.

How much co2 emission does a nuclear power plant give off?

None, that is for water type reactors, PWR and BWR.

How much power in Georgia is nuclear?

There are four operating reactors, see link below. You can look up details on

Why does France utilize more nuclear power than the US?

France doesn't actually have more MW than the US, but it has a higher percentage of its total electricity output. Thus France relies on about 75 percent nuclear and the US 19 percent, but the US economy is much bigger and its total electricity supply is correspondingly much bigger. I don't have all the figures but the US has 104 operating reactors and France has about 50

How many nuclear power plants do you have in the us that are active?

No new nuclear plants have been built in the US in the past 20 years. The Watts Bar plant was licenced in 1996, but had been built much earlier. The last plant actually built was the River Bend plant in Louisiana, which was licenced in 1986.

How much of the is powered by uranium?

The majority of nuclear reactors use uranium as nuclear fuel.

Is nuclear power working?

Yes, very much so. 104 reactors working in the US alone and about 400 world wide

How much nuclear reactor did India have?

India have 20 nuclear reactors & 5 is in under development ....!!!!

How much energy can nuclear power use if it was in the world?

I think you must mean how much energy can nuclear power supply , not use, and it is in the world-where else? In the US there are about 100 nuclear reactors and they supply about 20 percent of the nation's electricity