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About 1800 Pounds of pressure compared to a dog's average of 350, or a Saltwater Croc's 4000.

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Q: How much power is in a hippos bite?
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What is a hippos defense?

aggression or retreating to its watery habitat

How many pounds per square inch is a hippos bite?


Is hippo and rhino omnivorous?

Hippos and rhinos are both considered herbivores. And while hippos do bite other animals as defence, biting is not the same as eating.

Do hippos bite?

yes they kill the second most amount of people in the affrican safari

What are the habitats of hippos?

hippos live in large rivers of central Africa and are concidered very dangerous animals. They have been known to turn boats and bite persons in the water wich have lost extremities due to the bite. They spend most of their time in the river waters.

What body part help hippos to survive?

their lungs help hippos to breath also hippo power

What is strong enough to bite through a crocodiles skin?

Hippos goliath tiger fish and a White shark

Who has the strongest bite a hippo or a jaguar?

Hippos measure at 1821 psi while Jaguars measure at 1500 psi

How much pressure can a german shepherds bite cause?

200 pressure is believed to be ther power.

How are hippos protected?

Hippos do not need protecting from much. Their thick skin helps to protects them from the sun and a variety of insects.

How much do 3 hippos weigh?

3 tons

How much do hungry hippos cost at Walmart?
