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Yes, tilapia and other seafood are good sources of protein. One ounce contains about 7 g of protein.

Animal protein causes the acidity of your blood to rise. Your body must neutralize this acid by releasing calcium and other alkaline materials from your bones. (Plant protein does not cause a loss of calcium.)

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12y ago

All meat is a source of protein

Answer Fish of course is seafood and yes it does provide us with a source of protein. These are obtained from the amino acids contained in fish and so therefore are very important to us. Fish oil and fat is a rich source of such amino acids that when we consume them via seafood are converted into protein that out body needs to keep us alive, fit and well.

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Some of the best protein.

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How much protein is in tilapia

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Q: Is fish a source of protein?
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What is fish a good source of?

Fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is healthy to eat because it's low in fat.

Are chicken meat fish and eggs a good source of protein?

Definitely, look for lean sources of chicken, like skinless chicken breast, fish like tuna and salmon are very healthy and high in protein, eggs are also a great source of protein.

Why is fish an important source of protein in Japan?

fish is an important protein everywhere... its more prevalent in japan cause its an island with very few land animals.

What is a source of protein in food?

Chicken meat fish cheese nuts beans

Is fish a good source of protein?

The total recommended daily allowance or RDA for fiber is 25 g. For the 100g serving of Fish, catfish, channel, cooked, breaded and fried, which contains 0.7 g of fiber

Which products have protein?

Many products have protein in them, but you're going to get your main source of protein from cooked meats such as chicken, fish, and pork. Lean meats have the best protein in them.

What is the Best source of protein a milk b lettuce c fish d butter?

fish, by a long way

Why do many creature like fish?

Fairly easy to catch and a good source of protein.