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Plan 3 ounces/ per person x 150. Divide that by 32 (ounces in a quart).

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Q: How much quarts of canned corn will you need to feed 150 people?
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Related questions

How many servings is in a gallon of corn many gallons of canned corn does it take to feed 200 people?

Two gallons

How how many servings of corn is in a gallon many gallons of canned corn does it take to feed 200 people?

Two gallons

Will canned corn grow if you plant it?

No canned corn won't work. You need to get hard corn kernels from feed store, many kinds. good luck

Can you feed a guinea pig canned corn?

No, it is far too high in sugar and far too low in fibre.

Can dogs eat canned corn?

In moderation, dogs can eat canned corn as an occasional treat. However, corn is not a necessary component of a dog's diet and should not be a significant part of their meals. Additionally, some dogs may have difficulty digesting corn, leading to potential gastrointestinal issues.

How many quarts to feed 50 people?

How many quarts you need to feed 50 people depends on what you are making, and if there will be other foods. If there are other foods, you should figure four ounces per person. There are 32 ounces in a quart so each quart will feed eight people. Therefore, you would need a little over six quarts to feed 50 people.

How many people quarts of chili feed 50 people?

What is a "people quart"

Is corn on the cob a weed?

No. people grow crops of sweet corn, and feed corn. humans eat sweet corn (how ever they want) and cows get the feed corn. it's not a weed. but there are lots of different types of sweet corn too.

Why do people feed corn to fish?

because its cheaper and when we have no more food we will give them corn

How many cans of corn to feed 25 people?


Can you feed a guinea pig canned fruits?


Why is corn grown?

To provide food for people, feed for livestock (which then feed people), starch for the production of biofuels, raw materials for bio-plastics production, etc.