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I think it's like 1 thirds of it- it meaning the Rain Forest

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Q: How much rain forest is destroyed each year in Europe?
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How much forest is destroyed in antarctica each year?

There are no forests in Anarctica. There were tropical rainforests the 50 million years ago, but not any more.

Much of Europe was destroyed in?

World War II

How much rain forest is destroyed per month?

One milion

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The size of of 1009 football feilds

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Yes there are possums in Europe. They are pretty much anywhere that has a forest, woods, and Night.

How could you explain there is no rainforest in Europe?

no because there is not much rain to have a rain forest or trees to have a rain forest

How much forest area in India has been destroyed?

45% of forest area is destroyed in india. some by deforestration,cutting of trees, depletion etc.. .an overgrazed grasslands ,a fertile land into borren,imbalance in it?

How much of the rain forest has been destroyed and what do we use it for?

well many of rainforests have been desroyed and da we use them for paper

How much grain is destroyed each year?

4-6% is lost to inseects worldwide each year

How much of the savanna biome is destroyed?

2.3 million hectares each year

How much rain falls in a rain forest each year?

How much rain forest does a rain forest get each year... Well, I would say that a rain forest can't really get any rain forests in a year, but Tropical rain forests get about 200-600 cm of rain each year, and Temperate Rain forests get 200-400 cm of rain each year.