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The ideal weight for a 74-year-old man who is 5'8'' would depend on factors such as muscle mass and overall health. A general guideline is a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9, which for this individual would equate to a weight range of approximately 140-170 pounds. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

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Q: How much should a 74 year old man 5'8''?
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How much should a 78 year old man weight?

The ideal weight for a 78-year-old man depends on various factors such as height, body composition, and overall health. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine a healthy weight range based on individual circumstances.

How much iron should an 84 year old man have daily?

An 84-year-old man should aim for around 8 mg of iron daily. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the exact amount needed based on individual health conditions and dietary intake. Iron supplements should only be taken under medical supervision to avoid excessive levels in the body.

Can a 60 year old man make 28 year old girl pregnant?

Yes, it is biologically possible for a 60-year-old man to impregnate a 28-year-old woman as long as both individuals are fertile and able to conceive. Age alone does not determine fertility in men.

How far should a 61 year old man hit a 5 iron?

The average distance a 61 year old man might hit a 5 iron is around 140-160 yards. However, individual factors such as swing speed, physical condition, and skill level can also affect this distance.

How much sleep is a 41 year old man supposed to get?

A 41 year old man should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to maintain optimal health and well-being. However, individual sleep needs can vary, so it's important for him to listen to his body and adjust accordingly. A consistent sleep schedule and good sleep hygiene practices can also help improve the quality of sleep.